Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Look Out for Academic Impacts of Social Networking Sites...
African Journal of Business Management Vol. 5(12), pp. 5022-5031, 18 June, 2011 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.595 ISSN 1993-8233  ©2011 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper A look out for academic impacts of Social networking sites (SNSs): A student based perspective Ishfaq Ahmed* and Tehmina Fiaz Qazi Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Accepted 20 April, 2011 This study implies the exploration of relationship between SNSs usage and educational performance of the student users. A sample of one thousand students was selected from different universities of Pakistan. In first step of Multistage Sampling Technique, simple random sampling†¦show more content†¦Considering its popularity among students, Facebook high school version was launched in September, 2005. Its members are multiplying greatly with each day passing i.e. Facebook had 100million users on Aug. 26, 2008 while this number increased to 500million on Jul. 21, 2010 and growth rate was 153% during the last year (blog.Facebook.com). Social networking sites brought many positive implications to human life. The idea of social globe or global village has been translated into reality through these sites connecting millions of people from all around the world. Simultaneous communication of many people even at distant places promotes the creation of social capital fetching persona l, professional and social benefits not only to the users of these sites but to the society as a whole. But every technological revolution brings some dilemmas and darker issues along as well. Likewise, these increasing links and networks online are setting back the real values of life especially students are accepting some adverse impacts from using these sites as they form the major chunk of SNSs users. An ever increasing growth rate of SNSs not only calls for the parental and teacher monitoring of student users but also attracting the focus of academicians and researchers towards this phenomenon. In September, 2005, out of total adult internet users (18-29 years) 16% were those who were using any social networking site and this percentage increased to 86% onShow MoreRelatedEffects of Social Networking Sites to Students4872 Words  | 20 Pagesphp/IJBAS The Effect of Social Networking Sites to the Lifestyles of Teachers and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Seguya Asad1, Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun2, Che Kum Clement3 Department of Technical and Vocational Education, Islamic University of Technology 1 E-mail: sgyasad@yahoo.co.uk , abmamun@iut-dhaka.edu2, chekum@iutdhaka.edu3 Abstract With the creation of Social Networking Sites, colleges and universities across the globe have been playing catch-up with students. This new technology carriesRead MoreA Case Study of Online Social Networking at Workplaces in Ghana9658 Words  | 39 PagesA CASE STUDY OF ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKING AT WORKPLACES IN GHANA Kwabena Adom Asiedu ID: 2760206 Submitted To the Regent University College Of Science And Technology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For The Degree Of Bachelor Of Science In Management With Computing 2010 1 ABSTRACT This is descriptive study which adopts a case study strategy to identify the perceptions of employers and employees in Ghana about productivity and online social networking at the workplace. A numberRead MoreSocial Networking Site14603 Words  | 59 PagessCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction- Social Networking Sites Few years back, usage of social networking sites became popular around the world. Social networking sites are also known as social networking website. Social networking sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry researchers’ fascinated by their affordances and reach. Social networking sites are web-base service that building an online community of people that share same interest, or activitiesRead Morebullet theory7360 Words  | 30 Pagesï » ¿Bullet Theory The magic bullet perspective, also called the hypodermic needle model, is a model for communications. Magic bullet theory has been around since the 1920s to explain amp;ldquo;how mass audiences might react to mass media,amp;rdquo; reports Media Know All. According to University of Twent in the Netherlands, the theory states that mass media has a amp;ldquo;direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. History Several factors, including widespread popularity of radio
Monday, December 16, 2019
American Gun Laws Free Essays
Gun laws in the United States of America need to be altered in order to make American society safer. The Second Amendment of the Constitution reads â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. †This means that from the point any American child is born they have the right to possess a gun and use it for their own safety. We will write a custom essay sample on American Gun Laws or any similar topic only for you Order Now How can a child as young as the age of ten years old know the difference between using a gun for their safety and playing with a gun putting themselves into danger? One state in America called Virgin has its very own law that every person must possess a gun. The law in the United States approves of blind men or woman having the right to possess a gun. If you are mentally affected you are also eligible to possess a gun. How can this be legal? Semi- automatic and automatic guns can be legally purchased in most US states by anyone who doesn’t have a violent criminal record. What is a violent criminal record? The law itself is not worded correctly. Semi-automatic guns are weapons which perform all steps necessary preparing the weapon to fire again after one shot. Automatic guns are firearms which keep firing bullets until the trigger is released. Why should every day American citizens need these sorts of weapons to â€Å"protect themselves†? Ammunition for guns can be purchased at nearly every store around the United States including Kmart and even in a barbers shop. Not only are you able to buy ammunition for very powerful guns but you are also legally allowed to buy as many sets of ammunition as you desire. Seventeen cents is all you need to purchase one bullet in America. If Americans wanted fewer people dying from guns every year they would change the price and the fact that guns are so easy to access dramatically. If bullets were 7,000 dollars each they would be used more carefully. This would influence a massive change in people dying per year from â€Å"gun accidents†as Americans would become very cautious in using their ammunition wisely. In 1999 two boys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a shooting rampage at Columbine High School. They purchased their weapons legally from the local Kmart. They used semi-automatic guns, shot guns and even possessed 99 explosives and 4 knives. They shot 900 rounds of ammunitions killing a total of 12 students and one teacher and then themselves. The massacre started a debate over gun laws and the availability of firearms to high school students. It resulted in an increase emphasis on school security. Students in American schools now must go through metal detector before entering their daily lasses. Security also checks for any sharp metal such as nail clippers but they do not focusing on the fact that guns are a large cause of death. One child was suspended from his school because he was carrying around a stapler. Guns are still legally allowed in schools. 45% of US households have at least one gun. Around 59. 1 million adults in the United States own a gun. There is no law stating that you need to register your gun so it is impossible to know exactly who owns a gun and how many guns are being sold. 31,593 helpless lived were killed in 2011 by guns. This is a clear message. Guns are not doing any good. Therefore they should not be allowed. Guns should not be used to take others lives. They should be used in the military to protect the country not to kill. They should be used for people that like to go hunting. Semi-automatic and automatic guns are not used to kill a dear so why are they allowed to be sold to any civilised person in the United States? It is said that the availability of a gun makes it more likely that you will have feelings of anger or thoughts of suicide. 381 people have died from gun shooting in Germany, 255 in France, 165 in the UK, 59 in Japan and 39 in Australia. Why is it that approximately 100,000 American people die every year from guns? This is 300 people per day losing their lives because of guns. This is screaming out to Americans that they have to act now. Waiting another year is just losing 100,000 more lives. The news in America impacts greatly on the way society looks at their safety. The TV advertises violence sending a bad message across to any children in the United States. One hour before the Columbine shooting America bombed a school and a hospital in Iraq. This is not setting a good example. Changing the gun laws is a battle between freedoms and safety. It is a battle between freedom for the American people as they have lived their whole lives with the idea that they are safe as they have possession of guns. They have grown up with parents teaching them how to use a gun and in many cases this can lead to good and bad. It can be bad because a child might accidently use a gun for the wrong reasons or their parents have taught them the wrong way of using one. Putting themselves into danger and for good as some families might be smart enough to tell their children there are other ways of protection over guns. It is a battle between safety for all the reasons above. Guns have been seen to be used for nothing but bad in the past and this needs to change. 20 people in America are dying every single hour from a gun. This is not only telling us that they are not used for safety precautions but it is telling us that the American citizens are not very educated in their actions and the way they act. Most Americans might be very good at handling guns and not using them for the worse but to think that so many are dying from one machine and nothing is changing is not good at all. In Australia around about 65 people are killed by guns every year. In America around about 11,127 people are killed by guns every year. 40% of guns sold are not sold without a background check. This means that people with criminal records are easy accepted to own a gun when they are said not to be. The Law says that is you have a criminal record you are unable to possess a gun but many Americans are still easily getting one. This is a wakeup call. America should not be allowing possession of guns for the safety of their own country. Where there are more guns, there are more deaths. America has to start acting now before another 100,000 people are dead. How to cite American Gun Laws, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Bcg on Hul free essay sample
Once you know which businesses stand where in your business portfolio, you also come to know which businesses need investments, which needs harvesting (making money), which needs divesting (reducing investment) and which needs to be completely taken out of the business portfolio. For a major organization like HUL, ITC etc which have multiple categories and within the categories, they have multiple lines of products; the BCG analysis becomes very important. At a holistic level, they get to make a decision on which product to continue and which product to be divested. Which product can give new returns with good investment, and which products are reaching the apex of market share. BCG Growth Share Matrix – The BCG growth share matrix was developed by Henderson of the BCG group in 1970? s. The matrix classifies businesses / SBU’s by 1) Relative Market Share – The market share of the business / SBU / Product in the market as compared to its competitors and overall product / category. 2) Market growth rate – The growth rate of the industry as a whole is taken into consideration from which the growth rate of the product is extrapolated. This growth rate is then pitched on the graph. Thus by having 2 basic but at the same time very important factors on X axis and Y axis, the BCG matrix makes sure that the classifications are concrete. Calculating the Market growth rate comprises of both industry growth and product growth rate thereby giving a fair knowledge of where the product / SBU stands in comparison to the Industry. The market share on the other hand comprises of the competition and the product potential in the market. Thus when we consider growth rate and market share together, it automatically gives us an overview of the competition and the industry standards as well as an idea of what the future might bring for the product. Once the businesses have been classified, they are placed into four different quadrants of the matrix. The quadrants of the matrix are divided into 1) Cash Cows – High market share but low growth rate (most profitable). 2) Stars – High market share and High growth rate (high competition) 3) Question marks – Low market share and high growth rate (uncertainty) ) Dogs – Low market share and low growth rate (less profitable or may even be negative profitability) On the basis of this classification, strategies are decided for each SBU / Product. Let’s discuss the characteristics and strategies of each quadrant in detail. Explanation: 1) Cash Cows – The cornerstone of any multi product business, cash cows are products which a re having a high market share in a low growing market. As the market is not growing, that cash cow gains the maximum advantage by generating maximum revenue due to its high market share. Thus for any company, the cash cows are the ones which require least investment but at the same time give higher returns. These higher returns enhance the overall profitability of the firm because this excess revenue can be used in other businesses which are Stars, Dogs or Question marks. In the case of HUL following are the Cash cows like Mass Soaps, Beverages, Oral care and Laundry which are running very well in the market today, Oral and Mass soap today is doing very good hence it is the cash cows for HUL today. Strategies for cash cow – The cash cows are the most stable for any business and hence the strategy generally includes retention of the market share. As the market is not growing, acquisition is less and retention is high. Thus customer satisfaction programs, loyalty programs and other such promotional methods form the core of the marketing plan for a cash cow product / SBU. 2) Stars – The best product which comes in mind when thinking of Stars is the telecom products. If you look at any top 5 telecom company, the market share is good but the growth rate too is good. Thus because these two factors are high, the telecom companies are always in competitive mode and they have to juggle between investment and harvesting vis investing money and taking out money time to time. Unlike cash cows, Stars cannot be complacent when they are top on because they can immediately be overtaken by another company which capitalizes on the market growth rate. However, if the strategies are successful, a Star can become a cash cow in the long run. Just like the products from HUL like Hair Care products, Skin Care products, Premium Soaps Laundry products, Deodorants and it’s lately release brand Water (PureIt) Strategies for Stars – All types of marketing, sales promotion and advertising strategies are used for Stars. This is because in cash cow, already these strategies have been used and they have resulted in the formation of a cash cow. Similarly in Stars, because of the high competition and rising market share, the concentration and investment needs to be high in marketing activities so as to increase and retain market share. ) Question Marks – Several times, a company might come up with an innovative product which immediately gains good growth rate. However the market share of such a product is unknown. The product might lose customer interest and might not be bought anymore in which case it will not gain market share, the growth rate will go down and it will ultimately become a Dog. On the o ther hand, the product might increase customer interest and more and more people might buy the product thus making the product a high market share product. From here the product can move on to be a Cash Cow as it has lower competition and high market share. Thus Question marks are products which may give high returns but at the same time may also flop and may have to be taken out of the market. This uncertainty gives the quadrant the name â€Å"Question Mark†. The major problem associated with having Question marks is the amount of investment which it might need and whether the investment will give returns in the end or whether it will be completely wasted. Processed foods and Color Cosmetics are few of the Question Marks for HUL since it is very rare found in the market due to the reason that it is not giving results as much expected in the consumer market today. Strategies for Question marks – As they are new entry products with high growth rate, the growth rate needs to be capitalized in such a manner that question marks turn into high market share products. New Customer acquisition strategies are the best strategies for converting Question marks to Stars or Cash cows. Furthermore, time to time market research also helps in determining consumer psychology for the product as well as the possible future of the product and a hard decision might have to be taken if the product goes into negative profitability. ) Dogs – Products are classified as dogs when they have low market share and low growth rate. Thus these products neither generate high amount of cash nor require higher investments. However, they are considered as negative profitability products mainly because the money already invested in the product can be used somewhere else. Thus over here businesses have to take a decision whether they should divest these product s or they can revamp them and thereby make them saleable again which will subsequently increase the market share of the product. Dogs for HUL are its Sea Products which is definitely and alarm for HUL to kill it. Strategies for Dogs – Depending on the amount of cash which is already invested in this quadrant, the company can either divest the product altogether or it can revamp the product through rebranding / innovation / adding features etc. However, moving a dog towards a star or a cash cow is very difficult. It can be moved only to the question mark region where again the future of the product is unknown. Thus in cases of Dog products, divestment strategy are used. Sequences in BCG Matrix [pic] Success Sequence in BCG Matrix – The Success sequence of BCG matrix happens when a question mark becomes a Star and finally it becomes a cash cow. This is the best sequence which really gives a boost to the company’s profits and growth. The success sequence unlike the disaster sequence is entirely dependent on the right decision making. Disaster sequence in BCG Matrix – Disaster sequence of BCG matrix happens when a product which is a cash cow, due to competitive pressure might be moved to a star. It fails out from the competition and it is moved to a question mark and finally it may have to be divested because of its low market share and low growth rate. Thus the disaster sequence might happen because of wrong decision making. This sequence affects the company as a lot of investments are lost to the divested product. Along with this the money coming in from the cash cow which is used for other products too is lost. Results on the strategies for HUL based on the BCG Matrix. There are four strategies possible for any product / SBU and these are the strategies which are used after the BCG analysis. These strategies are 1) Build – By increasing investment, the product is given an impetus such that the product increases its market share. Example – Pushing a Question mark into a Star and finally a cash cow (Success sequence) ) Hold – The company cannot invest or it has other investment commitments due to which it holds the product in the same quadrant. Example – Holding a star there itself as higher investment to move a star into cash cow is currently not possible. 3) Harvest – Best observed in the Cash cow scenario, wherein the company reduces the amount of i nvestment and tries to take out maximum cash flow from the said product which increases the overall profitability. 4) Divest – Best observed in case of Dog quadrant products which are generally divested to release the amount of money already stuck in the business.
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