Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Cholera and Ebola Essay Essay Example
Cholera and Ebola Essay Example Cholera and Ebola Essay Cholera and Ebola Essay Cholera. otherwise known as Asian Cholera or pestilence cholera. is an infective ailment of the GI real estate parcel brought about by the Vibrio cholerae microscopic organisms. From the family unit Vibrionaceae. the microorganisms is described as a Gram-negative bar. Similarly as with other Gram-negative bars. Vibrio cholerae produces an endotoxin. known as cholera poison. This microscopic organisms is itinerant because of the nearness of an individual polar scourge and is amazingly infective. The Vibrio cholerae microscopic organisms develops in both new water and Marine home grounds what's more in relationship with amphibian vivify creatures. Initially found in 1824 by the Italian Anatomist. Filippo Pacini. Vibrio cholera in all probability started in India with the Ganges River helping as the essential pollute supply. Around 30 mature ages along these lines bacteriologists Robert Koch and John Snow found the nexus among Cholera and soaking up H2O. Since its find in the mid nineteenth century Cholera has asserted numerous lives because of its transmittal by means of the soaking up H2O gracefully. Through numerous mature ages of examination and chlorination of soaking up H2O supplies. Cholera has non been viewed as a danger to the United States and Western Europe for about a century. Notwithstanding. deliberate introduction of the microbes into a neighborhood H2O flexibly. could do as well spoil and mass spread of contamination. Ebola hemorrhagic febrility ( EHF ) is a very infective. amazingly lethal ailment brought about by the Ebola infection. Ebola infection is an individual from the family unit Fivoviridae and is named after the Ebola River in the Republic of Congo ( once Zaire ) which is the place the primary scourge happened in 1994. The infection is delegated follows: Gathering: Group V ( ) ssRNA ) Request: Mononegavirales Family: Filoviridae Class: Ebolavirus Speciess: Ivory Coast ebolavirus Reston ebolavirus Sudan ebolavirus Zaire ebolavirus The initial two strains of the infection were distinguished in 1976 in Zaire and Sudan. Dr. F. A. Murphy was the first to protect the infection and picking up control it for negatron microscopy. Dr. Murphy noticed that the infection was a straightforward strand RNA infection with encoding for seven viral proteins. Since its find and starting emissions. four sub-species have been secluded ( as laid out above ) which are named after their few flare-up areas. Because of its incredibly infective nature and its capacity to change rapidly. Ebola infection has a death pace of around 77 % . Despite the fact that. non a petite in the United States and other enlightened states. the Ebola infection could introduce a genuine health danger if deliberately brought into the H2O or supplement gracefully. A protein on the outside of the infection has been found that is liable for the horrible inner discharge ( the passing managing trait of the malady ) . The protein attacks and wrecks the endothelial cells run alonging blood vass. doing the vass to hole and shed blood. Truth be told. the infection has an extremely explicit tropism for liver cells and cells of the reticuloendothelial framework. e. g. macrophages. Monstrous demolition of the liver is the trademark normal for Ebola infection. The Ebola infection. once inside a host. starts to retroflex. The seven proteins that make up the natural structure of the infection Begin to eat up the host cell as the infection begins doing transcripts of itself. These seven proteins assault the natural structure of the cell and some way or another assault the auxiliary proteins of the natural structure of the host. As the infection advances. it shows itself in the signifier of shed blooding. especially in the mucous layer. venters. pericardium. what's more, vagina. The fine departure prompts loss of blood volume. shed blooding from grouped focuses in the natural structure. shock. what's more, intense respiratory bombshell. Contaminations with Ebola infection are intense with a brooding period runing from 2 to 21 yearss. Cholera is an intense unwellness described by watery loose bowels and is brought about by specific individuals from the species Vibrio cholerae ( bacterium ) . The cholera source is passed in the stools. The poison discharged by the microscopic organisms causes expanded secernment of H2O and chloride particles in the inside. which can deliver solid the runs. Demise can follow from the awful parching welcomed on by the looseness of the bowels. The manifestations may look 1 to 7 yearss in the wake of eating supplement or soaking up H2O sullied with the bacteriums. commonly inside 2 to 3 yearss. Pollution is from contact with the fecal issues or vomit of individual contaminated with cholera. Cholera is transmitted by fecal-oral way ( eating or assimilating supplement or H2O polluted by the fecal misuse of a septic individual ) . Vibrios are delicate to corrosive. what's more, most bones in the belly. Enduring lethal creatures may hold fast to and colonize the little digestive system. where they emit the intense cholera enterotoxin ( CT. other than called â€Å"choleragen†) . This poison ties to the plasma film of enteric epithelial cells and discharges an enzymatically dynamic fragmentary financial unit that causes an ascent in cyclic adenosine 51-monophosphate ( camp ) creation. The resulting high intracellular camp degree causes solid secernment of electrolytes and H2O into the enteric lms. Manifestations of cholera are an ague. diarrheal unwellness brought about by disease of the inside with the microorganisms Vibrio Cholerae. One of 20 people will hold horrendous ailment with abundant watery looseness of the bowels. cleansing. also, leg fits. The fast loss of natural structure liquids and weight lead to parching and circulatory surrender. Passing can occur inside hours. Manifestations of Ebola are fever. concern. verbalization and musculus harming. sore pharynx. coming up short. which are trailed by looseness of the bowels. cleansing. what's more, belly harming. A few patients have a roseola. rosy eyes and inside and outer discharge. An individual gets tainted with cholera bacteriums by eating up defiled supplement or H2O. In many pestilences the contamination originates from human fecal issues. which taint deficiently rewarded sewerage. The bacterium can other than populate in waterways and costal Waterss where it sullies shellfish. Half-cooked shellfish have been a start of cholera. The sickness is non likely spread by direct individual to-individual contact. Cholera is analyzed by research facility confinement of the microscopic organisms from a feces test or by happening antibodies in serum bespeaking late contamination. The toxigenic signifiers of Cholera are O bunch 1 or 139 and can be distinguished through gm strain or human advancement. Darkfield of stage differentiate microscopy would straight be able to imagine motile vibrio. By and large diagnosing is clinical by H2O looseness of the bowels and drying up. Cholera is most usefully rewarded through rehydration of liquids and salts lost through looseness of the bowels. An unwritten rehydration arrangement that consolidates sugar and salts n prepackaged articulation is varying with H2O and utilized all through the universe following in a 1 % mortality with intercession contrasted with 20-25 % without. Cut off occasions may require endovenous shaky supplanting. Anti-toxins may abbreviate class and chop down disagreeableness of side effects each piece great as decreasing sloughing of infection however should point being helplessness as anti-toxin resistance is a turning work. The regular repository of the infection is obscure similar to the mode in which it clench hand shows up during an emission. It has been guessed that the list quiet gets tainted through contact with a disease enliven being. After the principal example persistent. the infection can be transmitted through direct contact with septic blood or secernments or through contact with polluted items, for example, acerate leafs. Nosocomial transmittal is regular in emissions when social insurance laborers do non have on appropriate defensive vesture. Ebola is signifier of viral hemorrhagic febrility that is regularly clinically analyzed by the setup of indications depicted. Lab diagnosing is through ELISA demonstrating for IgM antibodies and PCR and infection segregation can be utilized to put infection inside a couple yearss of indication approaching. In this manner in class of ailment IgG antibodies can be tried. There is no recuperating mediation for Ebola. Simply strong mediations including liquid and electrolyte compromise. furthermore, care of O position and blood power per unit territory are accessible. In March 1999. cholera was identified in the state for the main clasp in 10 mature ages and was voyaging quick all through the state. Poor H2O quality and sanitation foundation were the significant loaning elements to high paces of cholera. By November 1999. 30 of the most unfortunate networks in urban Antananarivo. which is the capital of Madagascar. was picked as the imprint populace for flying the Safe Water System in the state. The framework comprised of conduct adjustment strategies alongside purpose of-utilization intercession and safe stockpiling of H2O. The associations who worked together on this endeavor were the CARE Madagascar ( Community Assistance for Relief Everywhere ) . Populace Services International ( PSI ) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) . CARE Madagascar actualized and consolidated network assembly. Populace Services International took consideration of the cultural selling and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention dealt with the arrangement rating. The cultural selling included neighborhood creation of a 0. 5 % Na hypochlorite arrangement bundled in a 500-mL bottle. what's more, whole adequate to deal with around 2000 L of H2O. A nearby organization was so contracted to deliver 20-L restricted mouthed plastic Kraut tins. The exchange name given was Sur’Eau. French for â€Å"safe water†. The arrangement was propelled a long time before plan on account of the fast expansion in the illness. The container of H2O was offered to middlemen and retail dealers in the networks take separating in the arrangement and gave the product to CARE-prepared network based gross incomes specialists. The associations planned remote and Television musca volitanss
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dont Be a Hero! Take Your Sick Days!
Dont Be a Hero! Take Your Sick Days! Some place in the middle of persuading our folks that we’re sufficiently debilitated to miss school and handling our first expert job where it’s in reality more regrettable to miss work than to go in wiped out, we’ve dismissed something significant about days off. Shane Ferro over at the Huffington Post suggests we as a whole gain from an ongoing BMW CEO’s breakdown in front of an audience and change our demeanor about taking vacation days. To be completely honest, my significant other is on his third consecutive seven day stretch of pink eye. Three weeks of distress and upsetting visuals and being too infectious to even consider going in to work-however he hasn’t taken a solitary day off. Rather, he’s telecommuted continually, some of the time with one eye shut, Skyping in for gatherings with his web cam killed and by and large getting precisely zero rest notwithstanding years worth of collected days off and a genuinely gunked-up eye. How co uld he get this way? †¦.That’s a subject for another section. Let’s take a gander at the open models set by the 1% instead!Harald Krueger, BMW’s new CEO, fallen at the Frankfurt Motor Show in front of an audience a week ago because of a snapshot of discombobulation. Odds are in another job, at a significant open occasion, he knew dropping wasn’t a choice in spite of the way that he’d been voyaging broadly and was feeling sick before it happened.A late studyâ by analysts at Harvard and Stanford assessed that â€Å"more than 120,000 passings for each year and around 5-8% of yearly human services costs are related with and might be inferable from how U.S. organizations deal with their work force.†The examination saw factors including extended periods, work uncertainty, and work/family conflict.Americans specifically think about their employments as expansions of themselves. In any event, when they’re too wiped out to even consider doing their occupations, that high-stakes feeling is the thing that sends them to work with colds, flus, and more awful. We like to demonstrate we’re devoted, basic, and emotionless despite the fact that germs don’t know from boldness and simply need to locate another host whose life they can ruin!Of course what individuals don’t acknowledge when they’re attempting to play the legend is that declining to give your body a day to rest up-picking rather to control through and endure at your work area while your resistant framework battles to vanquish the germs that are making you (and trust me, everybody around you) hopeless really has more long haul wellbeing results than we knew. Worry at work can worsen disease or even influence your life expectancy.So if you’re sufficiently fortunate to have them, ensure you take your days off. Get your influenza shots. Quit contaminating your neighbors and go rests and drink a few liquids. The work will be there when you recover.Now, would someone be able to please print this out and go put it on my husband’s desk?Taking A Sick Day Is Not A Crime. So Why Do We Feel Weird Doing It?Read More at Huffington Post
Depletion Of Forests Essay -- essays research papers fc
     Can you picture our earth without woods? A considerable lot of us can’t. Timberlands spread roughly one fifth of the universes land surface and assume a significant job in our regular daily existences (Dudley 4). Woods furnish us with numerous items and administrations from keeping up disintegration to giving occupations to our residents. Humankind relies upon the endurance of a solid environment and deforestation is causing numerous social, monetary and biological issues. One environmental issue is Global warming witch is caused when carbon is discharged into the air after the copying of woods. Governments and businesses must turn out to be progressively mindful of these results of their exercises and change as needs be. They have to help out woods the board and work towards a future that benefits all. People should be instructed about the present issues of the timberlands with the end goal for us to spare, safeguard or support these spots that give us to such an extent.      Humans rely immensely upon the world’s timberlands, however yet were the ones obliterating them. For people, the backwoods have numerous stylish, recreational, financial, and social qualities. Timber and different results of the timberlands are significant financially both locally and as fares. They give work to the individuals who gather the wood or for the individuals who make items from the living timberland. Timberlands likewise furnish us with clinical medications, colors and textures. There are numerous individuals who are reliant on forestland for their occupations. 33% of the world’s individuals rely upon wood for fuel as a noteworthy vitality source (Dudley). Not exclusively do the woods give a few people homes, yet additionally gives a well known setting to ecotourism, which incorporates climbing, outdoors, feathered creature viewing and other outside experience or nature study exercises. Every one of these exercises and items the timberlands gi ve us are at incredible hazard from deforestation.      Not just do backwoods furnish us with this yet additionally shield soil from disintegration and lessens the dangers of avalanches and torrential slides. Trees help continue freshwater supplies along these lines are a significant factor in the accessibility of one of life’s fundamental needs. Timberlands influence the atmosphere and are additionally a significant wellspring of oxygen. One central point that the woodlands convey is that they are the home to more than one portion of the world’s all out species (Dudley). Current... ...people will need to experience some level of ideological change. People will need to live increasingly supportable lives and become nearer with nature. When the emergency of deforestation has passed, mankind will appreciate a better presence, and will anticipate a brilliant future. Reference index Anderson, Anthony. Options in contrast to Deforestation: Steps Toward Sustainable Use of the Amazon Rain Forest. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Dudley, Nigel. The Death of Trees. London: Pluto Press Limited, 1985. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. The Challenge of Sustainable Forest Management: What Future for the Worldn’t Forest? Rome: FAO, 1993 Incubate, Chris. â€Å"Consuming Canada’s Forests.†Brazil of the North. 1997, pg. 23. Land Slides. Encarta Reference Suite 2000. Disc ROM. 1999 Ness, Bryan. Sparing Tropical Forests Profitably. 17 May 1998. 23 Oct. 1999. <wysiwyg://64/http://boyany.tqn.com/educat†¦cilife/plant science/library/week after week/aa051798.html.> Shuster, Laurie. â€Å"Senate Votes to Continue Salvage Logging.†Home Improvement Market v 233: p10. 24 Oct. 1999 <http://web2.infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/in†¦&dyn=11!xrn_3_0_A183158177?s w_aep=nwu.main>
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lesson Plan Deconstruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exercise Plan Deconstruction - Essay Example Substance canvassed in the exercise are Reading different artistic and educational writings and verse, summing up them and composing one’s own thought regarding the content read, figuring out how to assess and sort out the sound subtleties. The exercise likewise requires the understudies to participate in bunch discussions and composing meetings to create oral and semantic aptitudes. Improvement of penmanship, worrying on day by day perusing, subject arranged research and top to bottom educating about phonetics is remembered for the exercise plan. Abundant significance is given to improve appreciation, composing and language combining abilities of the understudies. 2. The Texas exercise plan destinations are fitting for the understudies since it utilizes extra frameworks to improve ELL student’s understanding through the associated talk system. It helps the ELL student’s comprehend the essential ideas of English in setting of their own society stories, culture, history and encourages them notice the etymological contrasts between both the dialects as well. ELLs without adequate past tutoring encounters are likewise given additional help empowering them to adapt up to standard school goers. 3. Ingraining every day perusing propensities in them to improve their appreciation. The understudies ought to be educated to recognize the importance of the English word in their primary language, yet express it in ideal English without linguistic blunders. Understudies ought to be educated to utilize the innovation like utilizing on the web word references, spell check and articulation apparatuses. 4. Less capable students particularly ELLs with next to zero past English presentation needs uncommon consideration which should be possible with the assistance of their folks. Utilizing photos of an item, requesting that they name it in their native language and clarifying its name in English generally makes a difference. For instance, numerous understudies don't have the foggiest idea about the correct English words for a few carport apparatuses and cultivating types of gear. Demonstrating the image of the types of gear, making them state the local
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Teach til you drop, then draw the Mona Lisa while blindfolded.
Teach ‘til you drop, then draw the Mona Lisa while blindfolded. Splash stats: 2670 High School students 517 teachers* 701 classes, 956 sessions** 1330 hours of classes *mostly MIT undergraduates **you can sign up to teach = 1 sessions of any class 1330 hours of classes. For those of you who cant instantly divide numbers by 24 in your head, thats 55.4 days. Thats nearly two (non-leap year) Februaries. Annas personal Splash stats: 573 High School students 1 or 2 teachers (I co-taught two classes) 5 classes, 8 sessions 10 hours of classes Before I go on, I need to comment: this was the day of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special release, and Splash was overrun by Doctor Who fans. I was wearing earrings that said wibbly wobbly timey wimey and my audiences were littered with sonic screwdrivers and Tardis t-shirts. I managed to slip in a reference during one of my classes, to thunderous applause. My first class was at 10am on Saturday. I showed up at 9:40 (were supposed to arrive half an hour before our first class sorry, ESP admins) and received a hard copy of my schedule for the day. Here is a Google calendar representation. Note that I had a biology exam Monday night. Good life choices, Anna! As you can see from the schedule, I taught most of my classes in 26-100, which is MITs biggest lecture hall. Movies are shown in there. The 2013 Ig Nobel Prize lectures were held in there. It was totally surreal to lecture where Eric Lander lectures. It was also totally surreal to try and 1) turn on the lights and 2) make the projector system work, because despite 26-100 being a gigantic lecture hall, nobody thought to make these systems usable by the average human. I spent about ten minutes running around looking for the light switch, then ten minutes running around looking for the right plug (THERE ARE SO MANY PLUGS AND CORDS IN THAT ROOM) and then it was already five minutes into my class so I had to give up. I called ESP security (the team of MIT student volunteers who really make Splash go) and they sent help while I improvised a non-Powerpoint version of the beginning of my class. (Those 5-min improv classes came in handy!) Emily T. 15 came in and magically found the light switch, and Ian M. 14 magically made the projector work. ESP SECURITY: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. THANK YOU. Class summaries: Geocentrism to Exoplanets was about the progression of humanitys understanding of our place in the grand scheme of things. We started in the modern era of astronomy, and I presented some of the most recent highlights of exoplanet science. We then took a big step back to 1923 (when Hubble discovered that there are in fact other galaxies) then another big step back to the discovery that the sun is just another star, then even further back to 16th century Poland, where Copernicus was writing to suggest that the Sun and not Earth is at the center of the universe. With that context under our belts, we returned to exoplanet science. I talked about the first discovery of exoplanets (which entails talking about pulsars, which Im always very happy to do) then showed examples of exotic planetary systems that have been discovered: the Tatooine-esque binary star system, for example, and the planets that share an orbit. Spontaneous 5-Minute Classes on Whatever You Want was exactly what it sounds like. I wrote about it here. As expected, there was a good twenty-minute period before class started when I had an existential WHY DID I SIGN UP FOR THIS? crisis, but the class itself was a resounding success and everyone had a blast. Davie 12 and I managed to procure a bunch of miscellaneous props (a foam sword, a beet, and a sheepskin, among other things) and the kids were all too eager to suggest ways for us to publicly humiliate ourselves. Here were some of their submissions: How to pick up chicks Elephants How to throw cards Basics of fandom How to psychoanalyze people Why is nuclear waste a huge problem and what are some solutions? Memes The banana and how it changed history Yale or Harvard? Sheryl Sandberg Illuminati Infinity (ooooooooooh) HOW TO DO PARKOUR Music History Different dog breeds in New Jersey The truth behind soccer balls How to act smartz. Creative uses of duct tape Why Italian food is the best What is the average velocity of an unlightened swallow? Getting attacked by a dino How to always be right about everything History of jellyfish The history of goatees JAZZ BASS How to pick up chicks Mormons and religious views Robots What is a Narwhal? The Architectural styling of I. M. Pei How to parkour How to swordfight Steven Spielburg movies History of rap Murder (any insight on topic) Pokemon :D Why people love fantasy How to pick up chicks A history of the trumpet Colors How do they work? (why do they exist?) How to pick up chicks How to pick up chicks The etymology of the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious How to be a sloth Sherlocks fall Schistosomiasis Yes, how to pick up chicks was submitted several times. Ah, High School. Davie got Elephants, Colors How do they work? (why do they exist?) and How to be a sloth. He also combined The Architectural styling of I. M. Pei, with Murder (any insight on topic) to deliver a fantastic 5-minute class about how I. M. Peis buildings could kill you. I got The banana and how it changed history, How to swordfight, and How to pick up chicks. I pulled out the random foam sword that we had lying around, got a volunteer from the audience (he happened to be a fencer) and taught them all how to fence foil and sabre (Thank you, MIT PE!) For how to pick up chicks, I did some quick thinking then said: So, I actually have a lot of personal experience picking up chicks. Cue gaping. I noticed that one girl had her iPhone out, and was filming me. Great. In fact, I picked up a lot of chicks while I was in elementary school in Singapore. More gaping. I did it in the local science museum. I really enjoyed drawing out the silence between my sentences. There was an exhibit an incubator, and in the incubator there were chicken eggs waiting to hatch. When the chicks hatched, the museum attendants let you pick them up. Laughter. One kid yelled, I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! and I got a round of applause. I continued with my cop-out, explaining the delicate art of how to pick up a chick without strangling it. During our second class session, we had about three times the number of kids (from ~40 to ~120) so Im not going to write up all of their submissions. I received something like Tell us all about the trombone I played the trumpet for eight years and had plenty to say about brass instruments. I also received Black Holes, which was totally cheating since Im an astrophysicist. I guess the universe thought I had it too easy, because I then got How to draw the Mona Lisa blindfolded, which of course had to involve drawing the Mona Lisa on the chalkboard while blindfolded. Here is the real Da Vinci painting: Here is my blindfolded chalk drawing: For clarity: Id say I got it pretty close. Dramatic Reading: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead was also exactly what it sounds like. Eight high schoolers, Davie 12 and I did a full reading of Tom Stoppards play. We modeled it after MITs literature departments annual marathon, which brings together a group of students and professors to read a play in its entirety. At natural breaks, we switched up roles, so that everyone got to read about an equal amount. This drew a very different crowd from my astronomy classes. The Multicolor Universe was a class that Ive been wanting to design for a long time. Essentially, one can do astronomy at every wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum: x-ray astronomy, infrared astronomy, ultraviolet astronomy, etc. I happen to do radio astronomy, but am hoping to broaden out in graduate school. Heres the first slide of my class: And the second slide: We talked about the different kinds of objects and phenomena represented by different parts of the spectrum (ex. warm gas and dust in the infrared, gamma ray bursts in the gamma ray, black holes in the x-ray) as well as the different instruments and telescopes used to collect that data. Some are ground-based, because some parts of the spectrum make it down to Earths surface, but others must be space-based, because the atmosphere blocks dangerous wavelengths like gamma rays from frying us. In between classes, I hid in the library and frantically taught myself about lymphocytes, antibodies, the cellular and humoral immune responses, familial hypercholesterolemia, mouse chimera, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, viruses, why vaccines work (memory cells!!!), and single-nucleotide polymorphisms. I had my biology test last night, and I think it went fine, despite the weekends chaos. Ill finish with some special moments. My sister came to my Introduction to Pulsars class! :) My boyfriend Skyped into my second Spontaneous 5-Min Class session, and my second Multicolor Universe class session. The kids in my Spontaneous 5-Min Class noticed that somebody was on my iPod they wanted to know who it was. I said that it was my boyfriend. They oooooohed then asked for his name. I held up the iPod so that he could see them all, and about 120 kids waved and yelled HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was very cute. After my second Geocentrism to Exoplanets class, I took a walk with a couple of the students. We discussed the path through college to being a scientist. I said that I originally hadnt wanted to be an astronomer, because I was worried that I wouldnt be making concrete contributions to society on a daily basis. I said that I loved to teach and do outreach, and that I was planning to find ways to incorporate that into a research career. One of the kids looked thoughtful for a few seconds, then said: well, theres a lot of science thats really important for making policy. And most of the people making policy dont understand it. Youre a really good teacher and youre really good at explaining things. I think that anything you can do to make people more scientifically literate or make people just a little bit more interested in learning about science will be a big contribution to society. This was a very special weekend. Post Tagged #MIT ESP (Educational Studies Program) #Splash
Monday, June 29, 2020
Effects of Consumerism - Free Essay Example
Imprints on Planet Earth| Consumerism effects Is consumerism just another fancy word for shopping? Who is to say that one person’s ecological footprint from consuming has no effect on the planet? An ecological footprint, also known as a carbon footprint, is the scientific measure of one’s consumption and the effect of their expenditure to the planet earth (Heddings Frazier, 2009). Every small act of consumption is a connection to a larger picture. As the population grows, so does the amount of consumption. Many broad differences between consumerism and sustainability exist. Depending on one’s perception of capitalism, which is the right of every being to acquire and have capital, be it money or tangible possessions. What one might consider a necessity, another might see as needless and wasteful. The desire for a better life often influences consumerism. While everyone needs to consume, unnecessary consumerism is damaging the planet by overflowing the la ndfills, creating higher greenhouse gasses with pollution, and causing global warming. Finally, although every being needs to consume to some extent, consumerism in an excess of what is primarily for sustainability, is damaging the planet with air pollution and overflowing landfills. An interesting fact is there are places in Costa Rica that currently use the waste-to-energy system [ (Docksai, 2009) ]. Transported excrements from people and animals are broken down with enzymes and bacteria to form a natural gas used for energy in the villages [ (Docksai, 2009) ]. The same concept can be applied to the garbage from municipal solid waste. To reduce ones ecological footprint, there are small changes everyone can implement to make the difference.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Michael Jordan s The Chicago Bulls - 1829 Words
Michael Jordan: The G.O.A.T â€Å"The Chicago Bulls pick Michael Jordan from the University of North Carolina, Chapel hill in the 1984 first round draft pick.†After this day, the first round draft pick changed how the game was played. Michael Jordan had a huge impact on the NBA in ways that were unimaginable before Jordan. Michael Jordan came to the NBA with two goals: to break records and win championships. With that vigorous ambition, he was able to reap the title of the greatest basketball player in the world. Shaquille O’Neal once said, â€Å"Mike was Mike. He was just special like no one else. He always did things no one else could do, and things you couldn t compare to anyone else†(Yahoo). Michael Jordan utilized many skills like his natural athleticism and ability to think fast on his feet to become the great basketball player he is today. Before Jordan in the game of basketball, the center was always the most important position on the court. When Michael Jordan came to the NBA, he changed that role. Jordan was known for his explosive handles, outstanding defense, and his ability to hit pressured shots with games on the line. Jordan played the majority of his career in the NBA for the Chicago Bulls, as a point guard, averaging about 29 points per game. After his first season, Jordan received the Rookie of The Year award. This award is given to a player that exemplifies extraordinary talent on the court during the kick off of their career. Jordan changed the NBA by addingShow MoreRelatedMichael Jord The World Of Sports1460 Words  | 6 Pages2016 Michael Jordan: The G.O.A.T Michael Jordan once said â€Å"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen†(Michael Jordan Quotes). His exciting and flashy style of play reinvented the game (King). Jordan inspired people all over the world to be more active,his amazing play made more people want to watch making basketball more popular and even helped boost America s economy. If Jordan never played, the world of sports would be completely different. Michael JeffreyRead MoreMichael Jordan Was Born On February 17,1963, Brooklyn,933 Words  | 4 PagesMichael Jordan was born on February 17,1963, Brooklyn, New York. Growing up in Wilmington, North Carolina, Jordan developed a competitive edge at an early age. He wanted to win every game he played.He did not make the high school basketball team as a sophomore, but did make the team as a junior. After high school he accepted a basketball scholarship to the UNC (University of North Carolina) where he played under head coach Dean Smith.In his first season at Carolina he became only the second TarheelRead More micheal jordan Essay639 Words  | 3 Pages Michael Jordan Michael Jordan in my opinion, was the greatest basketball player that ever lived. He holds more records than just about everyone that ever played this sport. Some of those records included: being the all-time leading scorer in the Chicago Bulls history, most seasons in which he lead the league in scoring, which was ten, and most consecutive seasons in which he lead the league in scoring, which was seven seasons. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Michael Jeffery Jordan was born on FebruaryRead MoreIs Michael Jordan Or Lebron James?1572 Words  | 7 Pagescontroversial topics in the history of NBA today is whether Michael Jordan or LeBron James is the best player to ever be a part of this association. James began his career with the Cleveland Cavaliers and currently plays for the Miami Heat. Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls for most of his career; however, he played for the Washington Wizard’s from age 38 to 40. According to the New York Times, Jordan announced his retirement in Chicago on January 13th of 1999 (D8). Although LeBron James is oneRead MoreMichael Jord The Nba Draft1897 Words  | 8 PagesMichael Jordan Biography Summary Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn New York. Michael Jordan revolutionized the game of basketball on and off the court and this biography (Playing for Keeps Michael Jordan and the World He Made) highlights his journey from a small town to the windy city. Jordan entered the NBA draft after playing three years in college and was selected third in the 1984 NBA Draft by the Chicago Bulls. With Jordan on the team, the Bulls made the playoffs 13Read MoreInformative Speech on Micheal Jordan Essay915 Words  | 4 PagesLloyd Topic: Michael Jordan General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about Michael Jordan and the rising of him playing basketball. Central Idea: To inform my audience about the history of Michael Jordan in his years of playing basketball and rising to becoming the player he is today. Introduction: Attention Grabber: His Airness , Air Jordan, MJ what basketball player comes to mind when you hear this name? By the show of hands who All Knows who Michael Jordan is? WellRead MoreMichael Jord American Icon825 Words  | 4 PagesMichael Jordan Michael Jordan American Icon Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. His family moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, where he attended Emsley A. Laney High School. Wail there he played baseball, football, and basketball, he even tried out for the varsity basketball team his sophomore year. But only at 5’11†he was deemed too short to play for the varsity team. To show how good he was, he became the star of Laney s junior varsity squad. He even hadRead More What Is Basketball Without Mic Essay1981 Words  | 8 Pages What is Basketball without Michael Jordan When someone says the name Michael Jordan, the first thing that might come to mind is basketball, Nike shoes, or Wheaties. Through the years Michael Jordan has proved time and time again that he is the greatest basketball player ever and by doing that he has gained tremendous popularity throughout the world. People of all ages and from all nationalities have gathered to watch him play. Even your Aunt Matilda, who might not know anything about basketballRead MoreMichael Jordan Speech2040 Words  | 9 PagesDo you have a favorite basketball player? Most people have a favorite basketball player. A fans favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan because he’s one of the best players ever knowned, he’s always working hard, he always responds back to his defender in a possative way, we know when and where he was born, when did he play in the olympics, what college he had went or attended to, who are his parents, how many championships did he win, when did he join the NBA , where did he get a full scholarshipRead MoreHistory of the Chicago Bulls Essay example2176 Words  | 9 PagesThe Chicago Bulls, they have gone through many stages of success, including six championships with Michael Jordon’s Bulls. Michael Jordan in fact is the reason why most people know about the Bulls. The Bulls though do run deeper than just Michael Jordan, because before Jordan came to the Bulls the Bulls had to come to the NBA. The Chicago Bulls are one of the most memorable and historic professional basketball teams in history. The Bulls joined the National Basketball Association in 1965. Before
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay on The Vegetarian Diet Nutrition - 612 Words
The Vegetarian Diet Nutrition Vegetarianism can be a very healthy option but only if your vegetarian diet plan is well balanced. This means eating a variety of foods including grains, fruit and vegetables, beans, pulses, nuts or seeds, a small amount of fat, with or without dairy products. Vegetarian Pyramid Offers Best Vegetarian Nutrition =================================================== For optimum nutrition as a vegetarian, follow the Vegetarian Food Pyramid. Table 1. Vegetarian Food Pyramid ================================ Eggs, Sweets Eat occasionally or in small quantities Nuts Seeds Egg Whites, Soy Milks Dairy Plant Oils Eat daily†¦show more content†¦Complementary proteins do not need to be consumed at the same time if they regularly appear in the diet. Vegetarian Diet Nutrition - Iron ================================ Although vegetarian diets are higher in total iron content than nonvegetarian diets, iron reserves are lower in vegetarians because the iron from plant foods is less well absorbed. That said, iron deficiency anemia rates are similar in vegetarians and nonvegetarians. Remember that its easier to absorb iron from food if we eat it with foods that contain Vitamin C, so have some fruit or veg containing vitamin C, or some fruit juice with your meal. Vegetarian Diet Nutrition - Vitamin B12 ======================================= Plant foods are not a reliable source of B-12 for vegetarians. Vitamin B-12 in spirulina, sea vegetables, tempeh, and miso has been shown to be inactive B-12 analog rather than the active vitamin. Although dairy products and eggs contain vitamin B-12, research indicates that lacto-ovo-vegetarians have low blood levels of vitamin B-12. Thus use of fortified foods or supplements are advised for vegans or vegetarians who limit animal foods. Vegetarian Diet Nutrition - Vitamin D ===================================== Vitamin D is poorly supplied in all vegetarian diets unless vitamin D-fortified foods are eaten. However, vegan vitamin D-fortified foods - such as soyShow MoreRelated Adequate Nutrition in Vegetarian Diets Essay2999 Words  | 12 Pages Vegetarians have diets as safe and nutritious as non-vegetarian diets. Whether someone chooses a vegetarian diet to preserve animal rights or to improve his health, his diet can be planned and maintained. Every vegetarian diet is different from another, but as long as a vegetarian learns what foods to include in his diet, he can meet all his nutritional needs contrary to common misconceptions. With careful planning, a vegetarian diet can provide all the nutrients a human body needs. FirstRead MoreVegetarian Diets are the Healthiest Diets Vegetarians have a tendency to live a longer and1700 Words  | 7 PagesVegetarian Diets are the Healthiest Diets Vegetarians have a tendency to live a longer and healthier life. They have a habit of being more concerned and attentive with their diet and what they are eating. Statistics show that vegetarian diets have been adopted by at least 7.3 million Americans today. Dictionary.reference.com states that vegetarianism is â€Å"a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, as eggs or cheese,Read MoreEssay on Pros and Cons of Vegetarian Diet762 Words  | 4 PagesPros and cons of vegetarian diet Vegetarian diets are based on cereals, whole grains, pulses, nuts, vegetables and fruits. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians do not consume any meat, poultry or fish but include eggs and dairy products in their diets. Vegans do not consume any food obtained from animals. Other vegetarian diets include fruitarians and macrobiotic diets that are more restricted. Reference to vegetarian diets usually implies lacto-ovo-vegetarians. A number of reasons can be attributed to preferenceRead MoreThe Vegetarian Diet is Healthy and Saves the Planet Essay1441 Words  | 6 PagesHuman life and health is based on nutrition, physical activity and the existence of our planet. Without food or enough oxygen the humans can’t survive, they die. As human’s lifestyle, technology and knowledge changed over the last few decades, so did the causes of death. Obesity, which leads to the diseases on top of death reasons, has been growing in America, because of the wrong choice of diet. Meat contains too muc h fat and unnatural nutrition, which is not healthy for us. The number one factorRead MoreVegetarian Diets Are Considered As Healthy Diets1180 Words  | 5 Pages How Vegetarian Diets Are Considered As Healthy Diets There are number of type of meat like beef, chicken, pork and fish as well but there are also some people who do not eat any type of meat. So this type of people is called vegetarian. They cannot eat meat but also they cannot use other type of products which are produced from animals like egg, gelatin and milk. Vegetarian diet is a best kind of food which fulfills the needs of all types of people such as children, old ages and young people asRead MoreThe Diet Of Vegetarian Diet891 Words  | 4 PagesVegetarian Diet Aids In Combatting Preventable Disease Recently, there has been a lot of debate about vegetarian diets. Many people are switching their diets to reap the health benefits; â€Å"Surveys in the United States have estimated that nearly 30 million people eat diets that are largely or entirely meat-free†(Harvard Health Letter 6). This essay will peel away the layers of wool surrounding a vegetarian diet and answer if it provides a better quality of health. In the Science Teacher publishedRead MoreThe Key to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet719 Words  | 3 Pagesthousands of years; then why is maintaining a vegetarian diet so difficult in the 21st century? The key to a healthy vegetarian diet is knowing what to eat and what not to eat, rather than simply avoiding meat. As Hobson (2009) points out, remember, the root of vegetarian is veg, not junk. The 21st century model of vegetarianism does not always involve the daily simplicity of whole grains, pulses, and nutrient-packed vegetables. Some vegetarians reach for pre-packag ed, processed foods convenientlyRead MoreMain Elements Of A Healthy Eating System1201 Words  | 5 PagesNutrition is the process of using nutrients to support growth and provide energy to fulfil the daily needs of physical and mental activities (Human Nutrition, 2015, para. 1). Nutrition includes food intake, the process of food once in the body and the relation of nutrients and disease (Richard Robinson, 2002, p. 217). This essay will briefly outline the elements of a healthy eating system such as the food pyramid, then discuss the benefits and risks of a vegetarian diet and discuss a range of causesRead MoreThe Health Benefits Of Vegetarian Diet1295 Words  | 6 Pagesmuch as the evolution to a vegetarian diet (Albert Einstein)†.The vegetarian diet has been proposed by many, from philosophers like Plato and Nietzsche to political leaders such as Benjamin Franklin and Gandhi, and modern idols like Paul McCartney and Bob Marley. Science also supports the vegetarian die t, there are many studies demonstrating its health benefits. Being vegetarian means not eating any animal products, including all kinds of fish, or poultry. Vegetarians who consume eggs and milk orRead MoreA Comparison between Vegetarians and Meat Eaters828 Words  | 4 PagesComparison between Vegetarians and Meat Eaters During the last 20 years more and more people decide to cut their daily menu any meat and animal products for many different reasons such as fear of food poisoning, diseases or etc. However, eating meat is part of the daily life of billions of people all over the world. Meat is a prehistoric, basic food full of proteins, iron, and amino-acids. People who eat meat live longer than vegetarians, but a meatless diet is healthier than a diet containing meat
Monday, May 11, 2020
Identifying The Needs Of Cross Cultural Management Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2368 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Cross cultural management deals with ways of dealing or comparing two or more different cultures. Cross-cultural analysis is essential for identifying the universal aspects of cultures of human beings and other social organizations from the ones particular to the society. There are many models and theoretical frameworks for comparative analysis of various cultural attitudes. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Identifying The Needs Of Cross Cultural Management Business Essay" essay for you Create order By considering the differences in the cultures and social organizations of various societies enhances the development of a wide understanding of individual development, control of crime and inequality in the social context. The study below discusses the strengths and weaknesses of two models of cross-cultural comparative analysis in United Kingdom and Egypt and their implications to the cross-cultural management. It considers all the perspectives that various thinkers prefer in the study of cross-cultural activities (Mead, 2009). Models of cross-cultural comparative analysis There are many models which enables in the analysis of the multicultural concepts in the present society. These enhance the understanding of human development, gender, family and the entire society. Most of the Nations engage in the cultural studies for the sake of understanding and improving International Management. There are some research perspectives which have come up as a result of increased interest in the comparative and international management. These perspectives includes: the agenda of research brought by social anthropology, these are centred on the value of the culture, structures, relationships and attitudes both at the organizational and national level (Sapru, 2008). The other perspective is inspired by the philosophers in the area of international dimensions of organizational behaviour which concentrate on issues relating to cross-cultural leadership, interpersonal and group relations and cultural synergy. The third perspective is generated by general management and strategic management writers which are concern about moulding the structure of the organization. The last perspective is brought about by the research of the practitioners in the international dynamics in the practices of management. This is concern about the communication and negotiations among various cultures which copes with the cultural shock so as to be able to properly manage the cultures of an organization (Caselli et al, 2005). Theoretical Perspectives on Comparative Culture According to Harrison, (1994), there are a total of three major factors which replicate the discussion of the theoretical aspects of comparative management and organizational culture. These perspectives includes: integration perspective describing the organizations cultural manifestations and acts as a self reinforcing factor as well as evaluating their effects on the behavior of the organization. The second is the differentiation perspective which describes the ambiguity and differences across various subcultures (Brown, 1995). The cultures available both at national and international levels are completely different although some traits may seem related there are some distinctions and the perspective enables to identify and evaluate these differences. The third perspective is fragmentation perspective which is concern about the analysis of the internally based cultural dynamics, fluctuations of consensus, and the oppositions of the members (Tjosvold Leung, 2003). There are some theories which help in the study of the cross cultural analyses in United Kingdom and Egypt. These are among the well established entities hence expected to have developed a common culture, with the general environmental condition of the entire Egypt, the Egyptians are expected to have common or related cultures. However this is not, each of the nations has various cultural activities identified with a certain organization or group of people both locally and internationally. Various researchers have come up with some theories to show the development of the behavior of various individuals in the community. The Theory of Human Development: A Cross-Cultural Analysis is one of the theories which enhance development of human beings (Holden, 2002). According to Thomas, (2008), the thinkers who were concern with changes and development in human society were classified into three main categories related to changes in the society. The most fundamental one is social economic development w hich is described as a set of closely related changes reforms including innovation of the technology, growth productivity, and life expectancy and improving health status. The second factor is change of value which brings along social-economic development in the expansion of the markets and social mobilization diversity. Other build up activities of human beings like commercial operations strengthen the relationship between individuals or groups of people. The Egyptians are well known for their developed commercial activities since they have a lot to exchange either for money or other commodities. The availability of many tourist attractions has led to the development of commercial which the Egyptians are identified with at international level (Johann, 2008). Civic exchange is also part of the value exchange leading to civil cultural values. United Kingdom is considered as one of the victorious nations worldwide. They are considered as political role model especially to many deve loping countries and others like the Egypt also consult the United Nations for political advices. The nations are related with the civil cultural values by the other nations in the world. The third process in human development theory is concern about the political institutions in the society. Many of the communities have adapted democratic constitutions in what they refer to as the third wave of democratization and realizing increasing levels of straight civil involvement (Saraswati, 2009). There are many doubts concerning this model; with the occurrence of socioeconomic development, change of value or democratization at once, some of the poor societies especially in the most arid parts of Egypt suffer as a result of scarce resources and they tend to be limited by traditional values which reflecting restrictions on human autonomy. Even with the existence of democratic constitutions, the communities are mostly governed by authoritarian administration (Kà ¢ÃƒÆ'„Å ¸ÃƒÆ' „ ±tà §ÃƒÆ'„ ±baÃÆ'†¦Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¸ÃƒÆ'„ ±, 2006). The theory also limits human development because of the assumptions that some cultures are associated with a certain group of people or nation. Most of the modern theorists assume that the three modes of development: socioeconomic, change of value and level of democracy are closely related although did distinguish the common focus on these phenomena. Thus modernization was assumed to cover them up and its reality is assumed by listing its concrete components but not by what integrates them. This leaves the public without clear understanding of what human development to modernization entails thus they just subsume into anything in the name of modernization. This is affecting the management of different cultures because things are rapidly changing and some of the cultural beliefs are changing into modern activities or not following any strategy thus the operations cannot be planned for (Ingl ehart, 2004). It is also difficult to satisfy the expectations of the next generation because children are growing up communities with computer-mediated experiences as a norm. The students spend most of their time in school but no enough time to master what is expected of them as members of certain social groups. Various generations develop different way of doing things either national or international based by observing and imitating how their friends behave from various communicating channels like television and radio or by interacting with members of the other cultural groups. The meaning of socioeconomic development in the theory of human development is no longer considered in the development of group or organizational behaviour. There are many environmental factors which are influencing the development of individual and group behaviour. Technology is one of the factors; the United Kingdom is among the leading in Technological development. People are changing their way of doi ng things and adapting implementation of technology and use of machines in all areas of operations (Friedlmeier et al, 2005). Initially the Egyptians were concentrating historical teachings, music and other forms of entertainments like creating movies. The Egyptian cultural and Educational Bureau which concentrates on organizing the cultural activities of the Egyptians in Washington listed art exhibition and music performance as first in the cultural activities of locals. Some of the activities have been improved while others have been dislocated by changes in the lifestyle. There are many western based movies which are increasing the competition in the theatre production market. The new technology is coming up with other ways of exhibiting their artistic materials, for example, through the internet of showing them on television screens. These changes force the Egyptians to change their cultures and adapt the new ones; this process is referred to as modernization. There is confus ion when trying to adapt the modern way of doing things because the processes are not well distinguished and it seems like every individual or group of people have their way of behaving (Irvine John, 2008). A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Participative Decision-Making in Organizations The model states that there is increase in the involvement in the decision making due to changes in the lifestyles. All the parties in schools and other learning institutions are allowed to make decisions in the process of learning. The involvement of children in the process of making decision is having positive influence on the individual behaviour and those of the organization. These children do not rely on the defined expectations of their social groups but come up with their own ways of doing things which are influenced by what they are taught in school or based on their interests. The issue of decision making is involved in all aspects of life. All people are involved in constitutional rules governing them and the leadership styles to be used. There is also freedom of choosing and adapting activities which are good and of advantages to the individuals involved (John, 2002). This model is having negative impacts on the current generation both in United Kingdom and Egypt. The behaviour of people is identified certain age groups, for example, the elderly are strict on the cultural practices of their social organizations while the youths are referring to them as being outdated and are coming up with their new ways which may not be easy to understand although are embraced by any young person and reflected on any daily activity (Stephen, 2009). The young people are not spending their time in the social places which can help in their socioeconomic development by interacting with their elderly but are concentrating on their books or other technological devices like internet. They have no time to discuss things with their parents but only want to be keen on the communication channels to ensure that they are updated on what is happening on the other parts of the world. Therefore these communication channels and the internet are acting as role models which greatly influence their behaviour. Each generation is struggling hard to make things easier thus the pre ssure behind the many scientific revolutions done on the new technology in United Kingdom (Leo, 2003). The cultures of the Egyptians are also changing, for example, people are coming up with the new ways of exhibiting their arts without physically involving themselves. They are easily doing it through the use of the net or other communication channels; however these changes have improved some of their cultures like theatre production by bringing along new acting styles, recording and editing (Kreitner, 2006). A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Participative Decision-Making in Organizations model has negative effect on the cultural activities because through it people easily neglect their culture and adapts others for individual benefit without minding about their effects to the entire organization. Other factors in life are highly influencing the way people perceive things hence behave in the organization. Therefore the national and international changes in the cultural activities a re as a result of the changes of the individual behaviour driven by differing interests (Hersen Jay, 2004). The implications of these for managers The cross-cultural managers are undergoing some difficulties as they try to monitor differences and similarities in various cultural activities in Egypt and United Kingdom. This is because the future of the activities is unpredictable hence it is not possible for the mangers to strategize an action plan. There are many internal and external forces which are driving the behaviour of various individuals in the communities. The managers consider various models of cross-cultural comparative analysis like theory of Human Development: A Cross-Cultural Analysis to understand the concept of human development especially on the individual behaviour and that of a community. Socioeconomic developments, change of value or democratization are the phenomena behind this theory. Through the socioeconomic development the managers are able to identify how people relate with each other or the current economic activities taking place in the area hence be able to predict the behaviour of people. A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Participative Decision-Making in Organizations is another theory which the managers can consider to improve their performance. Each of the members should be allowed to make decision on behave of the cultures of their community. Allowing members to make decision would improve the sustainability of the cultural activities and also ease the work of the management. It is easier for people to accept and abide by the cultural activities which are not dictated to them. The freedom of making decisions may also be disadvantageous to the management because if each member comes up with his or her ideas and stick for its implementation would result to an endless list which would be beyond the control of the management. Conclusion There are many different cultures in United Kingdom and Egypt. This is as a result of different groups of people from differing backgrounds and each involved in individual activities. The cross-cultural managers undergo a lot of difficulties as they carry on their duties, this is because peoples lifestyles are rapidly changing hence their cultures. There are many internal and external reforms which are bringing changes in the socioeconomic activities, changes of values and democracy. People are neglecting their initial ways of doing things and adapting new ones so as to develop their societies as well as boost their living standards. The study considers the strengths and weaknesses of two models of cross-cultural comparative analysis from a list of many theories concern with cross-cultural. The theory of Human Development: A Cross-Cultural Analysis was first considered as it is concern with the development of human behaviour as an influence in the individual activities and the c ultures of various groups. The other model which was considered to be essential was A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Participative Decision-Making in Organizations is the other theory. It is concern about allowance of the members to make decision about their cultures.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Poetry of e.e. cummings Essay - 3340 Words
The Poetry of e.e. cummings The poems to come are for you and for me and are not for most people. --its no use trying to pretend that mostpeople and ourselves are alike. Mostpeople have less in common with ourselves than the squarerootofminusone. You and I are human beings;mostpeople are snobs. Take the matter of being born. What does being born mean to mostpeople? Catastrophe unmitigated. Socialrevolution. The cultured aristocrat yanked out of his hyperexclusively ultravoluptuous superpalazzo, and dumped into an incredibly vulgar detentioncamp swarming with every conceivable species of undesirable organism. Mostpeople fancy a guaranteed birthproof safetysuit of nondestructible selflessness. If mostpeople were to be born twice†¦show more content†¦They miss his satirical views, his beautiful observations, and his skillful choice of words. This lack of respect for the importance of individual words prompted Cummings attack of most people. His bitterness is directly related to his struggle to get this particular collection of poetry--his seventh--published. Edward Estlin Cummings has always had an affinity for language. Early in life he penned a couplet, which illustrates his reliance on the power of simple observation: O, the pretty birdie, O; with his little toe,toe,toe! (Norman, 1958, p. 26) This appreciation for ones ability to observe and interpret was influenced by Cummings upbringing. Born on October 14, 1894, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Edward Estlin had the gift of caring, intelligent, progressive parents. His father, Edward, graduated from Harvard in 1883, with a degree in philosophy. He then studied at Oxford, with the Reverend Samuel A. Barnett and Professor Estlin Carpenter (who made enough of an impression on the young Edward to cause him to choose to name his son after him.) Edward Cummings went on to teach political economy and sociology at Harvard until 1900. His instruction was praised with the following commendation: As a teacher at Harvard he was human, alert, and stimulating (Norman, p. 17). These attributes would eventuallyShow MoreRelatedEssay about E.E. Cummings: The Birth of Modern Poetry1882 Words  | 8 Pageslove, and life. Like a great poet, E.E. Cummings employed his past experiences in his poetry and life. Known as one of the preeminent p oets of the 20th century, E.E. Cummings poetry has received an array of both positive and negative criticism. Nonetheless, Cummings’s poetry has inspired many poets and authors with his liberal views on love, nature, and religion along with his modern writing style. Although many criticized his contemporary style, E.E. Cummings modernized the traditional views ofRead More Visual Effects Created By E.E. Cummings In His Poetry Essay1126 Words  | 5 PagesVisual Effects Created By E.E. Cummings In His Poetry Edward Estlin Cummings, commonly referred to as E. E. Cummings, was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was a source of vast knowledge and was responsible for many creative works other than his poetry, such as novels, plays, and paintings. He published his first book of poetry Tulips and Chimneys in 1923. Many of his poems are known for the visual effects they create through his unusual placement of words on the pageRead More Modernist Poets E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot Change the Face of American Poetry1710 Words  | 7 PagesModernist Poets E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot Change the Face of American Poetry Modernist poets such as E.E. Cummings, Wallace Stevens, and T.S. Eliot changed the face of American poetry by destroying the notion that American culture is far inferior to European culture. These and other American poets accomplished the feat of defining an American poetic style in the Modern Era by means of a truly American idea. That idea is the melting pot. Just as American culture exists asRead MoreHe was made famous for his unique poetry about sex and immature topics E.E. Cummings is the name of500 Words  | 2 PagesHe was made famous for his unique poetry about sex and immature topics E.E. Cummings is the name of this poet who lived from 1894 through 1962. Cummings was a unique person with an equally unique life and unsuccessful love life that shaped his award winning unique writing style. E.E. Cummings was born in Boston, Massachusetts on September 3rd, 1962. Cummings’ dad was a professor at Harvard who turned into a Unitarian pasture. His mother had encouraged Cummings to write and to always keep a journalRead MorePoet Portrait: E.E. Cummings Essay1119 Words  | 5 PagesPoet Portrait: e.e. cummings Introduction: One might not think a renowned poet would speak of making a mark in a toilet in his attempt to make his mark on the world, but e.e. cummings was no ordinary poet. e.e. cummings was a famous poet of the 20th century; is unique style in his poems helped him become the second most commonly known and read poet in the United States during his lifetime (â€Å"E.E. Cummings†). Being raised in a well-educated, literary family; Cummings had a strong background toRead MoreE.E. Cummings and His Wondrous Works634 Words  | 3 PagesEdward Estlin Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cummings began writing his poems as early as ten years old. His unique ideas and various poetic devices that were included in his poetry induced him to be one of the most remembered poets of modern day time. E.E. Cummings was an intriguing poet that is known for many poetic ideas. Among them, Cummings was known for his ability to create meaning using structure and his avant ga rde approach towards language. In his workRead MoreAnalysis Of E. Ee Cummings1103 Words  | 5 PagesEdward Estlin Cummings, better known as E.E. Cummings was an American poet whose experimentation lead to innovative, unique pieces of literature. Involving â€Å"language of the streets†as well as â€Å"eccentric punctuation and phrases†allowed him to develop his own personal style which differed greatly from the traditional style of poetry (The Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica 1). Known for his concise and sparing works of literature, Cummings’ recognizable style is displayed in his works not only inRead MoreE.E. Cummings Edward Estlin Cummins was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 14, 1894 and800 Words  | 4 PagesE.E. Cummings Edward Estlin Cummins was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 14, 1894 and died on September 3, 1962 in, New Hampshire. He was 67 and was buried at Forest hills Cemetery. He was married twice very briefly, his first wife was Elaine Orr, but their marriage started off as a love affair in 1918 while she was also married to Scofirled Thayer, one of Cummings friend from Harvard. During the course of their marriage Cummings wrote a lot of erotic poetry. During the affair theyRead MoreEssay about E.E. Cummings612 Words  | 3 PagesEdward Estlin Cummings is a famous poet and novelist. A true man of the arts, he also enjoyed playwrights, painting, and drawing. His lifetime lasting from 1894-1962 was vivaciously lived! He spent a large portion of his life in his birth state, Massachusetts, although certain life events lead him beyond the United States. Cummings served in the U.S. Army during World War I, and was a volunteer in an ambulance unit as well. A great portion of his life was also dedicated to his Harvard educationRead MoreRobert Frost and E.E. Cumings Essay1533 Words  | 7 PagesRobert Frost and E.E. Cummings Poetry is considered to be a representational text in which one explores ideas by using symbols. Poetry can be interpreted many different ways and is even harder to interpret when the original author has come and gone. Poetry is an incredible form of literature because the way it has the ability to use the reader as part of its own power. In other words, poetry uses the feelings and past experiences of the reader to interpret things differently from one to another
Assessment Of Equipment Diagnostic Radiology Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(63) " installations was used for both pediatric and big scrutinies\." Handiness and the usage of X-ray equipment in both private and authorities infirmaries is on the addition today in developed and developing states. Quality control of such equipment is of peculiar importance to forestall evitable high doses, radiation escapes and to guarantee dose optimisation. The consequences of quality control in this survey indicate that the end product measured in GHL ( M2 ) ranged between 0. We will write a custom essay sample on Assessment Of Equipment Diagnostic Radiology Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0318 and 0.1192 mGy ( ma ) -1, while comparatively higher values which ranged from 0.0762 to 0.2156 mGy ( ma ) -1 was found in four other infirmaries. The tubing electromotive force truth measured indicates fluctuation among the infirmaries investigated. The divergence in electromotive force truth ranged between 0.9 and 10.9 % in the two units of GHL ( M1 and M2 ) . In the three other infirmaries the scope of divergences are 0.2 to 0.5 % ( PSH ) , 45.5 to 72.7 % ( NOH, the highest ) 22.9 to 23.3 % ( NARH ) . Both GHL ( M1 ) and PSH complied with the demand of  ± 5 % . As regard timer truth, one-dimensionality of the tubing current and beam alliance ; NOH and NARH exceeded the acceptable bounds of  ±5 % ,  ±10 % and  ±3 % severally. The effect of non-compliance in most portion include: repetition exposures, more disbursals and more significantly, extra dosage to the patient. Keywords: Quality confidence, quality control, environmental monitoring, radiation, X-ray end product Introduction In Nigeria, X-rays is the most often used ionizing radiation in medical specialty despite progresss in magnetic resonance imagination and ultrasound techniques. It has maintained a cardinal function in diagnosing of diseases, hurt and in X-ray therapy. In consequence it is the largest manmade beginning of ionising radiation to the universe population ( ICRP, 1991 ; UNSCEAR, 1993 ; Muhogora and Nyanda, 2001 ) . X ray is the major subscriber to the effectual dosage of both the patient and the forces. Because of the radiological hazards involved, it is normally recommended that dosage to patient from X-ray be kept every bit low as moderately accomplishable ( ALARA ) with equal image quality ( IAEA, 1996 ) . In add-on, programmes for diagnostic imagination sections, irrespective of the size, should at least contain the undermentioned constituents: equipment quality control, administrative duties, hazard direction and radiation safety programme. Equipment quality control unit carries out rating of equipment public presentation to guarantee proper image quality, every bit good as patient and operator safety ( Papp, 2002 ) . Furthermore, radiation safety unit is to guarantee that patient exposure is kept every bit low as moderately accomplishable and that departmental forces, medical staff and members of the general populace are protected from overexposure to ionising radiation. Presently, there are far above 4000 X-ray machines in Nigeria ( Elegba, 2006 ) out of which less than 5 % are under regulative control. These thereby pose a great jeopardy to the patient, forces and challenges to the regulative organic structure in Nigeria. As a consequence of handiness of X-ray installations, some new while others are 2nd manus ( known locally as Tokunbo ) , there has been a changeless addition in the figure and frequence of X-ray scrutinies in recent times. In Northwestern part of Nigeria for illustration, a study of 124 establishments with beginnings of ionising radiation indicates that 203 X-ray installings were found with merely 90 sealed radiation beginnings ( Mallam et al. , 2004 ) . In the same study, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital ( ABUTH ) complex on norm carries out over 250 diagnostic X-ray scrutinies per twenty-four hours in the three infirmary installations located in Zaria, Kaduna and Malunfasi. The population of the open persons and the fre quence of exposure is an indicant that one-year collective dosage to patient can be rather important. The quality control ( QC ) programme comprises the regular testing that must be carried out on each major constituent of the system to guarantee optimal public presentation within the system ( West,1993 ) . In diagnostic radiology QC trial is carried out to guarantee that a high quality diagnostic image is produced for a minimal radiation dosage to the patient ( NRPB, 1988 ) . The major equipment in diagnostic radiology to which quality control can be applied include X-ray production, sensing, image processing and image viewing equipment among others. The equipment testing is coupled with everyday environmental monitoring and appraisal of image quality ( Oluwafisoye et al. , 2009 ) . ( 1.1 ) Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority ( NNRA ) Due to the hurtful effects of ionising radiation, the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority ( NNRA ) was established by the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act of 1995. This national regulative organic structure is charged with primary duty of atomic safety and radiation protection. The Act empowered the NNRA to categorise and licence activities affecting exposure to ionising radiation in peculiar, the ownership, production, processing, industry, purchase, sale, import, export, managing, usage, transmutation, transportation, trading, assignment, conveyance, storage, and disposal of any radioactive stuffs, atomic stuffs, radioactive waste, and any equipment breathing ionising radiation. In this respect, the NNRA in her papers made proviso for minimal demand for the equipment care in line with international regulative policies. As portion of the attempt at heightening safety in the usage of ionising radiation in Nigeria, the National Institute of Radiation Protection and Research ( NIRPR ) was established under the counsel of NNRA. The Institute trains forces in the radiation protection. The present measurings were conducted to look into the suitableness of the quality control trials and the stated tolerance degrees for assorted X-ray equipment at four Nigerian infirmaries. Additionally, environmental radiation supervising around the installations was carried out to determine the safety degree of both the patient and forces. ( 2 ) MATERIALS AND METHODS Quality control trial ( kVp truth and duplicability, mAs one-dimensionality ) of four government-owned infirmaries, one general infirmary ( GHL ) , two specializer infirmaries [ Psychiatric infirmary ( PSH ) and National Orthopaedic infirmary ( NOH ) ] and one military infirmary ( NARH ) , all located in Lagos were carried out. The GHL has two functional X-ray units depicted as machine 1 ( M1 ) and machine 2 ( m 2 ) . The probe was carried out with the aid of the staff of the radiology section of each infirmary. Meanwhile, each of the X ray installations was used for both pediatric and big scrutinies. You read "Assessment Of Equipment Diagnostic Radiology Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" In all the infirmaries there was no old exposure and QC informations available. The information use was done utilizing Microsoft Excel, 2003. ( 2.1 ) Measurement of X-ray tubing Output and exposure clip merchandise X-ray tubing end product is the sum of exposure, in millirontgens ( Mister ) delivered to a point in the Centre of the utile X-ray beam at a distance of 1 meter from the focal topographic point for 1 ma of negatron passing through the tubing. The end product expresses the ability of the tubing to change over electronic energy into X-ray exposure. X-ray tubing end product is the individual most of import parametric quantity to quantify radiation output ( Zoetelief et al, 2006 ) . The free-in-air exposure, FAE ( Mister ) was measured utilizing mill calibrated KV metre ( US made Victoreen X-ray trial device, theoretical account 4000 M+ ) obtained from the Department of Physics ( DOP ) University of Ibadan. The consistence of X-ray tubing end product with the tubing current ( ma ) or tube current exposure-time merchandise ( ma ) was measured for the scope of ma or ma values used in pattern. The sensor ( KV metre ) measures the mean, effectual and maximal extremum tubing electromotive for ce, power stage, exposure and exposure clip. This system determines the tubing electromotive force with truth of  ± 2 % ( Victoreen, 1995 ) . The internal ionisation chamber that measures exposure has volume of 36 cm3. The exposure clip is measured to an truth of  ± 2 % . The FAE ( Mister ) measured is converted into end product in mGy ( ma ) -1 by multiplying by a factor 0.00877/ ma ( Chang Jong and Hui- Yu, 1999 ) where ma in the denominator is the merchandise of the tubing current and exposure clip set at the clip of measuring of the end product. ( 2.2 ) Environmental Monitoring and General Observations The guiding rule used in all regulative paperss is that, radiation doses to the populace and to the people who work with radiation must be kept every bit low as moderately accomplishable ( ALARA rule ) . In kernel, radiation workers and the patient should be monitored at all times when working. The ground for this monitoring is to guarantee that the pattern being followed by the workers in their day-to-day modus operandi are safe and do non ensue in high doses being received. In the present survey, the dose rate at different points of involvement ( the console, entryway door behind the wall, patient waiting seats ) was measured with radiation sensor ( radiation proctor 4 minirad 1000+ ) . This device measures radiation dosage rate in ?Sv/ hour. ( 2.3 ) Optical and Radiation Field Congruence/ Beam Alignment The beam control system is required for modulating the size of X-ray field country. Therefore, it plays an of import function in dose delivered to the patient because it controls the sum of patient surface country exposed to radiation and image contrast ( due to scattered radiation ) . The parametric quantities taken into consideration in beam control system include ; beam alliance, optical radiation field congruity, truth of the x Y graduated tables and illuminator bulb brightness. In this survey optical radiation field and beam alliance were examined. ( 2.4 ) Ocular reviews One of the three parts of a quality control programme for a radiographic installation is ocular review. This portion includes look intoing the chief constituents of the equipment for proper operation, safety and good mechanical status. It is expected that they should include ; protective lead dress, lead shield of the cell wall, overhead tubing Crane, radiographic tabular array, control panel and other installations such as door and automatic visible radiation. ( 3 ) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Five X-ray units in four infirmaries were investigated in the survey. Both the QC and environmental appraisal of the installations were carried out. Table 1 presents the radiographic equipment information at assorted infirmaries investigated. The old ages of industry of the equipment scope from 9 to 31 old ages, while the twelvemonth of installing is between 5 and 31 old ages. The consequence of age on the end product of an X-ray machine is good documented ( Mallam et al. , 2004, Ogundare et al. 2004 ) . ( 3.1 ) X ray tubing Output The consequence of X-ray tubing end product at a distance of 1m each from the focal point of five X-ray units are presented in Table 2. The values of end product obtained in GHL ( M2 ) are comparatively low, those measured in GHL ( M1 ) are higher than those found in M2. It ranged from 0.0318 to 0.1192 mGy ( ma ) -1. However, higher end products are found at the same electromotive force in PSH and NOH. As an illustration, at 80kVp the end products are 0.0796, 0.1676, 0.2156 and 0.0762 mGy ( ma ) -1 for GHL ( M1 ) , PSH, NOH and NARH severally. The fluctuation in the end product could be attributed to the wave form, anode stuff, filtration, and tube age and anode surface harm. Knowledge of the end product value for a given X-ray tubing permits the finding of both patient and movie exposures. It is besides used in the computation of Entrance Surface Dose ( ESD ) delivered to the patient at the point where the X-ray beam enters the patient. This dosimetry parametric quantity ( ESD ) giv es the perspective appraisal of absorbed dosage to the patient. Although the entryway surface dosage is a hapless hazard index, it can be used to gauge the effectual dosage ( ED ) which better quantifies patient hazard ( Gkanatsios and Huda,1997 ) . The fluctuation in the end product among the infirmaries could take to fluctuation in doses delivered to the patients during the scrutinies. The consistence of X-ray tubing end product with ma was measured for a scope of ma for the five X-ray units at different electromotive forces. The consequences are presented in figures 1-3. Furthermore, consequences of end product measured at different kVp above 80 kVp ( GHL and NARH ) show strong correlativity with ma, nevertheless, the end products measured at lower electromotive force of 60 and 75 kVp indicate weak correlativity with ma. The X-ray tubing and the anode current are extremely stabilized at this point ( Suliman and Elshiekh, 2008 ) . The consequences of the tubing electromotive force truth for five X-ray units investigated are presented in tabular arraies 3a-3d. The tabular arraies show the tubing electromotive force set, the tubing electromotive force measured and the magnitude of divergence. It should be noted that the magnitude of divergence in kVp vary from infirmary to infirmary. In GHL, the divergence ranged between 0.9 and10.9 % for the two machines ( M1 and M2 ) . The scopes of magnitude of divergence for the three other infirmaries are ; 0.2 to 0.5 % , 45.5 to 72.7 % ( highest in this survey ) and 22.9 to 23.3 % in PSH, NOH and NARH severally. Both m1 ( GHL ) and PSH comply with the demand of  ± 5 % , while M2 ( GHL ) , NOH and NARH exceeded the demand. The grounds for higher divergence in kVp found in NOH and NARH are multifactorial. The European Commission recommended a high technique of 125 kilovolts IAEA ( 1995 ) which likely consequences in low doses, but the radiotherapists prefer the higher contrast thorax radiogram which consequences from low kVp. Earlier study indicated that increasing the tubing potency ( kVp ) from 8-13 kilovolt in lumbar and pectoral spinal column scrutiny resulted in a dose decrease of 26-36 % ( Martin et al, 1993 ) . The higher divergences outside the tolerance bound as obtained in the present survey show disagreements in kVp between the measured and the set values particularly if the tubings are non adequately maintained. Furthermore, the overly high divergence between the set and the measured kVp could cut down the image contrast ( Livingstone et al, 2004 ) . The unexpected elevated value of proficient parametric quantities which consequences from defective machine could impact both patient dosage and image quality. The tendencies found in GHL ( M2 ) , NOH and NARH require regular and repeated QC trials. ( 3.2 ) Quality Control ( QC ) Trial Table 4 is the sum-up of the QC trials carried out on the equipment at different infirmaries. The kVp truth trials show conformity with acceptable bound in GHL ( M1 and M2 ) and PSH while NOH and NARH show non-compliance with acceptable bound of 5 % . As respects the kVp consistence, similar tendency is found in the infirmaries as those found in kVp truth. In footings of timer truth, it is postulated that exposure clip straight affect the entire measure of radiation emitted from an X-ray tubing. Therefore, an accurate exposure timer is critical for decently exposed radiogram and sensible patient radiation exposure. Both GHL and PSH met the the acceptable variableness bound. Since the timer truth in NOH and NARH are above the bound of acceptableness, it is expected that the radiation dosage delivered to the patient will be higher than the expected value required to bring forth the movie. Furthermore, the one-dimensionality of tubing current ( ma ) and beam alliance of both NOH and NARH fell abruptly of the acceptable bound of 10 % and 3 % severally. Regulation of X-ray tubing filament temperature ( along with the exposure clip find the quality of X raies in the X-ray beam ) is done with millampere picker in an X-ray generator. The beam limitation system is required for modulating the size of the X-ray field country. The mechanism contro ls the sum of patient anatomy exposed to radiation beam ( Papp, 2002 ) . This plays a cardinal function in patient dose and image contrast. The addition in country increases the production of the scattered radiation, hence higher patient dosage and wellness hazard. The non-compliance of optical radiation field and radiation field congruity may stem from the displacement in mechanism that moves the shutter, doing improper public presentation. This leads to higher patient dosage and repetition images ( consequence in more movies being used and more disbursals ) . ( 3.3 ) Forces Distribution The saloon chart in figure 4 shows the distribution of forces. It indicates that two classs of forces are losing ; Radiation Protection Officer/ Medical Physicist and Record Officer. The tendency is similar to the earlier work reported elsewhere ( Oluwafisoye et al. , 2009 ) . The tendency shows that radiation protection of the patients, visitants and forces is non the preoccupation of the direction of the infirmaries investigated. The absence of the record officers indicate that record maintaining at the infirmaries is far from being equal. A record maintaining system is necessary to document the quality control processs, the figure of culls and other activities traveling on at the X-ray units of the infirmary. ( 3.4 ) Visual/ General Observations The consequence of ocular observations is presented in table 5. It shows that all the basic constituents inspected were functional except LED index on the control panel found in GHL ( M2 ) . Table 6 shows the general observations carried out at assorted infirmaries investigated. Columns 1 and 2 show that the chief door taking to the X-ray room is non lead-lined. Columns 3 and 4 indicate that merely NOH has efficient 2nd door and lead-lined. The cells of the four infirmaries are efficient. This indicates that the interior decorator of the console put in topographic point equal steps that prevent the technicians from immaterial beams during exposures. The doors to the units lack automatic control, connoting that during the exposure the doors do non shut automatically as a consequence, controlled entree to the country where radiation exposure may be taking topographic point is non ensured. Lead apron was non provided in NARH. Nevertheless, the lead apron provided in GHL was non efficien t. Regulation for good pattern stipulates that lead aprons and baseball mitts should be available in the radiographic room and have a lower limit of 0.5 millimeters of lead tantamount thickness ( Papp,2002 ) . It is besides apparent that technique charts were losing in all the units, an indicant that technique parametric quantities are chosen at random by the radiographers responsible for the exposure of the patient. This could take to hapless matching of patient size and technique parametric quantities. Furthermore, warning visible radiation was non provided in any of the units to warn visitants or other forces of the exposure traveling on in the X-ray room. The forces monitoring badge was merely available in NOH, bespeaking that forces dose supervising in GHL, PSH and NARH are non-existent. ( 3.5 ) Dose degree Consequence of environmental dose monitoring at the chosen locations within and in the immediate environment of each of the X-ray units investigated is presented in table 7. The consequences in all the five units indicate that the dose rate measured at the sofa are by and large really high. At the border of the cell the dosage rates recorded are greater than the background dosage rate by a factor of 7, 20, and 10 in GHL ( M1 ) , PSH and NARH, severally. The dose rate measured within the cell is comparable to the background. This status is safe for the radiographer ; nevertheless, the dose rate is high within the entryway door in GHL ( M1 ) and NARH, it is greater than the background dosage rate by a factor of 6 and 7.5 each. In add-on, the dose rate measured at the waiting anteroom of the patients is comparable with the background dosage rate in PSH and NARH, but higher than the background dosage rate by a factor of 10 in NOH. The high dosage rate experienced in NOH could be attribut ed to damaged door of the X-ray units. Another possible account for the high dosage rate at the waiting anteroom is the direct nexus between the anteroom and the X-ray machine. It is interesting to observe that there were no escapes experienced in the five X-ray units investigated as reported in the earlier survey carried out in Nigeria ( Oluwafisoye et al. , 2009 ) . Apparently, this present survey is the first QC trial and environmental monitoring attempts carried out in the five X-ray units in four infirmaries investigated. This is an indicant that the consequences are preliminary against which future measurings could be compared. Besides, the usage of thermoluminescent dosemeters ( TLD ) for the forces monitoring has ne’er been undertaken in the five units. Personnel monitoring is indispensable, since there is a nexus between the ionizing radiation and coevals of reactive O series [ ROS ] ( Cohen, 2002 ) . These ROS have been implicated in the etiology of over 100 diseases. Radiation is one of the major exogenic beginnings of free groups in adult male and it has been proved that ionising radiation produces ROS in biological system capable of destructing biomolecules such as DNA, lipoids, proteins and saccharide ( Olisekodiaka et al. , 2009 ) . Workers runing X-ray equipment are exposed to long term low doses of ionising radiation which may impact their antioxidant position. Consequences of the QC trials and monitoring were sent to the direction of the four infirmaries investigated. In Addition, recommendations on the necessity of regular QC trial were forwarded to each infirmary for necessary actions. ( 4 ) Decision Quality control trials of five X-ray units are undertaken with intent of safety and dose optimisation in the X-rays Centres investigated. The ages of three out of five machines are good over 10 old ages. In add-on, the divergence of the measured kVp from set value on the control panel varied among the infirmaries. Two out of the five machines complied with the needed criterion of pattern, while three exceeded the demand. The QC trial carried out on kVp truth and consistence show non- conformity in two infirmaries. The distribution of forces show that, the preoccupation of the authorization of the X-ray unit investigated was the quality of the radiogram produced at the disbursal of safety of the patient. The fluctuation in the end product of the assorted tubing is an indicant that doses among the infirmaries differ. In each of the X-ray units investigated there was no specialised installation to execute pediatric scrutinies and movie screening. How to cite Assessment Of Equipment Diagnostic Radiology Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Audit Quality Assessment-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Questions: 1.Identify and Discuss what you Consider are the key elements that can Impact audit quality. 2.How is Audit Quality Assessed? 3.What recommendations can be Implemented in order to enhance the Quality of an Audit? Answers: Introduction In todays business environment, Auditing is considered as one of the major aspects. Auditing refers to the process of conducting official financial inspections of the financial and accounting statements of the business organizations (Arens, Elder and Mark 2012). More specifically, auditing is the process of examining the financial statements of the companies in order to make sure that they are free from any kind of material misstatements. Thus, it is required for every business organizations to have their financial statements audited (William Jr, Glover and Prawitt 2016). Most importantly, it is the responsibility of the auditors to maintain the quality of their audit program at the time of audit assessment. It can be seen that external accounting professionals are appointed for assessing the quality of audit operations. Hence, maintaining audit quality is important for the auditors. It needs to be mentioned that there are some major factors that have impacts on the audit quality (Lo uwers et al. 2015). At the same time, it is required to follow a certain procedure at the time of audit quality assessment. Thus, the main aim of this report is to analyze and evaluate various aspects of audit quality assessment. The following part of the report discusses various aspects of audit quality and audit quality assessment. 1.Key Elements that has Impact on Audit Quality According to the above discussion, there are certain factors that have impact on the audit quality. Thus, it is required for the auditors to consider all the factors. The major factors having impact on audit quality are discussed below: The first factor is Internal Control. Internal control provides necessary assurance to the auditors for the achievements of audit objectives. For this reason, the auditors need to consider the internal control of the companies at the time of audit operation, as the weaknesses of internal control are subjects to be investigated (ijbssnet.com 2017). Thus, the effectiveness of internal control has impact on audit quality. The next crucial factor is the Size of Audit Firms. Due to the difficulties in the measurement of audit quality, many researchers consider the size of audit firm as a major factor having impact on the audit quality. It has been seen that large audit firms use more powerful tests for assessing the audit quality. As a result of this, large audit firms are assumed to be involved with more specific audit information as compared to the small firms. The next factor is Fees of the Auditors. Many researcher consider that there is a relationship between audit quality and audito rs fees (Knechel et al. 2012). The audit services are considered as quality-differentiated in the competitive market and the quality differentiated are reflected in audit fees. For this reason, the companies are willing to pay higher amount of fees in order to get higher audit quality. The next important factor is Auditors Independence. Independent audit committee helps in the enhancement of external auditors independence and it makes sure that the auditors are free from any kind of managerial influence. Thus, auditors independence is considered as the heart of integrated audit process thus, auditors are able to provide high quality of audit by complying with the principles of auditors independence (Gruen et al. 2012). The next important factor is Reputation of the Auditors. It needs to be mentioned that the reputation of the auditors has direct relationship with the audit quality of the businesses. According to the investors, audit firms having high reputation are able to provide high quality of audit, as they are able to extract the crucial information for auditing. It is considered that companies build reputations by providing high quality of audit services. The next crucial factor is Industry Specialization. It needs to be mentioned that there is a major relation between audit quality and specialization of industry. It has been observed that there are fundamental differences in the characteristics of error detection methods for different industries. For this reason, auditors having expertise in specific industry will be able to provide quality audit services to the companies. For this reason, it is considered as an important factor. The next important factor is Quality and Proficiency of the Au ditors. The main aim of audit operation is to make sure that the financial statements of the companies are free from any kind of material misstatement. In the audit process, the auditors have to conduct different processes like development of audit plan, development of audit workforce plan and others. For this reason, the auditors need to have specific knowledge in various audit factors. Thus, the auditors having high qualification and knowledge will be able to provide quality audit work. Thus, from the above discussion, it can be seen there are many factors that have impacts on the audit quality of the companies. For this reason, it is the duty of the auditors to take into consideration all these above-mentioned factors of audit quality. 2.Audit Quality Assessment Process Audit Quality Assessment refers to the process of the evaluation of audit program of the companies. Thus, it is necessary for the business organizations to conduct the audit quality assessment. Audit quality assessment can be seen for both internal audit and external audit. The audit quality assessment of both internal and external audit is discussed below: Internal Audit Quality Assessment Some specific stages can be seen in the process of the quality assessment of internal audit. The first step is Internal Assessment. This is considered as one of the major factors for the assessment of audit quality. In this process, certain steps need to be followed for assessing the audit quality; they are planning for engagement, supervision, standardize the working processes, procedures for paperwork, review of reports and others. Most importantly, this particular process helps in the identification of the major strengths and weaknesses of the internal control system. In this process, the auditors of the companies have to comply with the principles and standards of Code of Ethics (theiia.org 2017). The second process is Ongoing Monitoring. Ongoing monitoring of performance is considered as another major process for assessing the quality of audit. Certain processes support the ongoing monitoring processes of internal audit. First, it is required to establish the foundation of inter nal audit activity. Second, it is required to have routine practice for assessing the internal audit quality like supervisory review, approval of work and others. In this aspect, it is required to adequate supervision as it is considered as the most fundamental and important aspect for assessing the quality of internal audit. Another important process under ongoing monitoring is the development of Key performance indicators (KPI) (Gavin et al. 2012). KPIs help the investors and shareholders in providing valuable insight into the internal audit process of the organizations. The next process is Periodic Self-Assessment. This particular process helps in ensuring the fact that the internal audit is complied with all audit standards, code of ethics and regulatory requirements. There are several techniques under periodic self-assessment for assessing the internal audit quality. One of the major techniques under this is survey guide that helps in the monitoring of stakeholders input in the audit process. In this aspect, it is required to mention the fact that in both of the processes, it is required to develop effective audit team for assessing the audit quality. These are the major processes for assessing the internal audit quality. External Audit Quality Assessment In case of quality assessment of external audit, the process of different from internal audit. There are four stages in the assessment of external audit quality. The first step is Planning. In this process, the scope and objectives of quality assessment is set for quality assessment. This process also includes the development of quality assessment team. In addition, the review of workplace is also done in this step. The second step is Off-Site Work. In this process, the review of planning document is done. After that, all the necessary documents are also reviewed for audit quality assessment. Lastly, all the survey responses are reviewed. The next step is On-Site Work (theiia.org 2017). This is a major step in the process of audit quality assessment. In this step, the interviews of clients, staffs and stakeholders are done for audit quality assessment. After that, review of all the documents is done on a thorough basis so that they can be summarized. Lastly in this stage, discusses i s done among the assessment team members. This is a crucial stage as the assessment team taken important decisions regarding quality assessment of external audit system. The next step is Evaluation and Development of Report. In this step, the evaluation of external audit process is done against the resources of the companies in order to measure the effectiveness of external audit (Asthana and Boone 2012). After that, all the issues of external audit is summarized so that effective recommendations can be made. Lastly, the draft report needs to be issued. Thus, based on the above discussion, it can be seen that the above-discussed steps are required for the assessment of external audit process of the companies. Hence, the above discussion shows that the quality assessment process of internal audit and external audit is different. 3.Recommendations to Enhance Audit Quality There are certain ways for enhancing the quality of an audit. Some of those major techniques are discussed below. It is recommended that there needs to be effective leadership in the audit process. It is the responsibility of senior auditors to ensure the fact that the auditing staffs have access to all the necessary resources as well as time to solve different audit engagement issues (aicpa.org 2017). In addition, the senior auditors are required to communicate audit code of conducts with the audit staffs on a regular basis. After that, the quality of audit will be enhanced in case the auditors perform sufficient background check of the audit clients before engagement of any audit operation (journalofaccountancy.com 2017). It is highly recommended that the companies need to hire highly knowledgeable audit experts so that quality audit can be performed for the companies. There is a requirement of effective training and education facilities for the auditing staffs; the main aim of this training and development program is to increase the competency on the auditing staffs (Deng et al. 2014). Next, it is recommended for the establishment of quality control department, as it will help to retrain the quality of audit processes in the organizations. Some of the major benefits of having quality control department are the development of accounting and auditing guidance; provide technical consultation; development of assurance policies and others. It is recommended to the auditors that they should streamline their different audit processes (njcpa.org 2017). In this process, it needs to be ensured that all the auditing staffs are engaged with the audit program. Apart from this, it is also recommended that the auditors are required to increase their industry specialization so that they can conduct audit operations in the companies of all industries. Thus, the above are the key recommendations for enhancing the quality of an audit. Conclusion The main aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate various aspects of audit quality in the business organizations. Based on the above discussion, it can be seen that certain factors have major effects on the audit quality of the companies. Some of those major aspects are internal control, size of the audit firms, fees of the auditors, independence of the auditors, auditors reputations, specialization of industry and quality of the auditors. The above discussion also shows the fact that certain processes or steps are followed at the time of assessing the quality of audit in the companies. However, the audit quality assessment process of internal audit and external audit are different from each other; but the main aim of audit quality assessment to analyze and evaluate the performance of audit process. According to the above study, it can also be seen that the quality of audit can be enhanced with the help of certain techniques; some of them are effective audit leadership, sufficien t background check, hiring of knowledgeable experts, training and development program and others. Thus, based on the whole discussion, it can be concluded that assessment and maintenance of audit quality is an important duty for the auditors References Aicpa.org. (2017). [online] Available at: https://www.aicpa.org/InterestAreas/PeerReview/DownloadableDocuments/EAQ-Hlt-Rpt.pdf [Accessed 9 Nov. 2017]. Arens, A.A., Elder, R.J. and Mark, B., 2012.Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach. Boston: Prentice Hall. Asthana, S.C. and Boone, J.P., 2012. Abnormal audit fee and audit quality.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,31(3), pp.1-22. CPAs, N. (2017).9 Strategies to Increase Audit Quality. [online] Njcpa.org. Available at: https://njcpa.org/stay-informed/topics/article/2017/01/06/9-strategies-to-increase-audit-quality [Accessed 9 Nov. 2017]. Deng, M., Lu, T., Simunic, D.A. and Ye, M., 2014. Do joint audits improve or impair audit quality?.Journal of Accounting Research,52(5), pp.1029-1060. 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