Saturday, August 31, 2019
Financial Inclusion Essay
Role of Government in financial inclusion Abstract:- This research paper contains the full information about the financial inclusion of the world’s economic. In this research paper we describe the financial inclusion basic meaning, definitions, scope & significance. Now we move towards the second phase which include role of government & role of banks in financial inclusion. we also include the reforms that has been done by the government and the other government organizations . We also include the main article that has been given by the different ministers about financial inclusion & its reform. Financial Inclusion Meaning: Financial inclusion is a policy adopted by many countries to include more people in the financial set up of the country. It aims at tackling poverty and deprivation in the country. In simple terms financial inclusion refers to making the finance or the financial/banking sector more accessible to people. For example: Debit cards, internet banking and direct debit facilities are now common, convenient and cheap ways of paying for goods and services. Yet there are still people who are excluded from using these services. People who are losing out as they are unable to take advantage of the benefits offered by the range of financial products available. In developing and poor countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Afgan etc there are many people who do not even have a bank account or who are unable to take advantage of the loans and deposit benefits offered by banks due to various reasons like lack of knowledge, fear, lack of proximity etc. Today, personal debt is at a record igh and borrowing without a bank account means using high interest lenders. Many of the people in this position live in our poorest communities and find themselves without choice or access to basic financial services, making it even more difficult to find routes out of poverty. Defination: Financial Inclusion is the delivery of banking services at affordable costs to vast sections of disadvantaged and low income groups. Unrestrained access to public goods and servic es is the sine qua non of an open and efficient society. It is argued that as banking services are in the nature of public good, it is essential that availability of banking and payment services to the entire population without discrimination is the prime objective of public policy. The term Financial Inclusion has gained importance since the early 2000s, and is a result of findings about Financial Exclusion and its direct correlation to poverty. Financial Inclusion is now a common objective for many central banks among the developing nations. Financial Inclusion in India The Reserve Bank of India setup a commission (Khan Commission) in 2004 to look into Financial Inclusion and the recommendations of the commission were incorporated into the Mid-term review of the policy (2005-06). In the report RBI exhorted the banks with a view of achieving greater Financial Inclusion to make available a basic â€Å"no-frills†banking account. In India, Financial Inclusion first featured in 2005, when it was introduced, that, too, from a pilot project in UT of Pondicherry, by K C Chakraborthy, the chairman of Indian Bank. Mangalam Village became the first village in India where all households were provided banking facilities. In addition to this KYC (Know your Customer) norms were relaxed for people intending to open accounts with annual deposits of less than Rs. 50, 000. General Credit Cards (GCC) were issued to the poor and the disadvantaged with a view to help them access easy credit. In January 2006, the Reserve Bank permitted commercial banks to make use of the services of non-governmental organizations (NGOs/SHGs), micro-finance institutions and other civil society organizations as intermediaries for providing financial and banking ervices. These intermediaries could be used as business facilitators (BF) or business correspondents (BC) by commercial banks. The bank asked the commercial banks in different regions to start a 100% Financial Inclusion campaign on a pilot basis. As a result of the campaign states or U. T. s like Puducherry, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala have announced 100% financial in clusion in all their districts. Reserve Bank of India’s vision for 2020 is to open nearly 600 million new customers’ accounts and service them through a variety of channels by leveraging on IT. However, illiteracy and the low income savings and lack of bank branches in rural areas continue to be a road block to financial inclusion in many states. Apart from this there are certain in Current model which is followed. There is inadequate legal and financial structure. India being a mostly agrarian economy hardly has schemes which lend for agriculture. Along with Microfinance we need to focus on Micro insurance too. The scope of financial inclusion The scope of financial inclusion can be expanded in two ways. ) through state-driven intervention by way of statutory enactments ( for instance the US example, the Community Reinvestment Act and making it a statutory right to have bank account in France). b) through voluntary effort by the banking community itself for evolving various strategies to bring within the ambit of the banking sector the large strata of society. When bankers do not give the desired attention to certain areas, the regulators have to step in to remedy the situ ation. This is the reason why the Reserve Bank of India is placing a lot of emphasis on financial inclusion. In India the focus of the financial inclusion at present is confined to ensuring a bare minimum access to a savings bank account without frills, to all. Internationally, the financial exclusion has been viewed in a much wider perspective. Having a current account / savings account on its own, is not regarded as an accurate indicator of financial inclusion. There could be multiple levels of financial inclusion and exclusion. At one extreme, it is possible to identify the ‘super-included’, i. e. , those customers who are actively and persistently courted by the financial ervices industry, and who have at their disposal a wide range of financial services and products. At the other extreme, we may have the financially excluded, who are denied access to even the most basic of financial products. In between are those who use the banking services only for deposits and withdrawals of money. But these persons may have only restricted access to the financial system, and may not en joy the flexibility of access offered to more affluent customers. Steps towards financial inclusion
Friday, August 30, 2019
Pepsi Story
Founded in 1893, Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink that is a product of the firm â€Å"PepsiCo. †It the sass and sass it was the leading soft drink company in the market. From then to now a lot has changed in terms of market scenario as well as product development. The current market scenario comprises of two main market leaders in the soft drink industry, namely, Pepsi and Coca-Cola (Coke). In addition to these other competitors include Thumbs up, Lima, etc. Pepsi faces heavy competition in the Indian market that is so diverse in terms of cultures, traditions, tastes and references.Narrowing the research to the city of Pun specifically, within India, it can be noticed that the consumer preference is more for Pepsi or Coke over the others. Since Pun is largely a student hub, it contains a lot of the younger generation population. Thus with the research conducted through this study, Pepsi will be able to study how it could get an upper hand over its competitors in the potential and booming market of Pun in terms of brand awareness and consumer preference. Need of the Study The need of the study conducted is highlighted below Will help with competitor analysis.Will help the company to get an idea about consumer tastes and preference. Will help the company get an upper hand over its competitors. Will help the company to gain market dominance. Will ensure brand loyalty. As it can be studied trot the above graph which is based on the responses received from the target market of this study, Coke and Pepsi have a neck to neck competition with Coke leading as compared to the other companies including Pepsi. Thus the main need of this study is for Pepsi to analyze ways in which it could replace Coke to e the market dominator in Pun.It must focus on the branding, pricing and packaging parameters mainly in order to improve or introduce newer products into the market and that is exactly the kind of information this study would provide the firm with. Scope of the Stu dy Scope of the study includes- Parameters such as competitor analysis, branding and packaging analysis. It focuses on carbonated soft drinks. Does not include water and alcoholic beverages. Limited to the city of Pun. Research conducted of behalf of Pepsi. Includes bottled as well as can soft drinks.Limited to age group of about fifteen to forty five years. Included . Methods of Data Collection There are two methods of data collection- 1. Primary 2. Secondary Primary Both males and females Data was collected through the use of questionnaire. First hand information was made available by distributing questionnaires to 50 people in the target market. Secondary It refers to collection of data that already exists and is within reach of everyone else as well. For the purpose of this study secondary data methods such as the internet and various articles were used. Statistical Tools UBar Graph Pie Charts Questionnaire Company Profile Pepsi is a product of the company PepsiCo that is an Ame rican multinational company that has its base in New York. It was founded in 1965, after the merger of Pepsi-Cola Company and Frito Lay. The CEO of the firm is a dynamic Indian lady named Indri Garnishment's Annoy, who has held her position since 2006. PepsiCo owns various firms, namely- Frito Lay Tropical Quaker Oats Storage Various products introduced include Diet Pepsi Lipton Ice Tea 7 up Mountain Dew Miranda Lays Doris These are a few products amongst many others.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Possente Spirto
Possente Spirto : Opinions in the style of Monteverdi and Artusi Sabrina K. Robbins Musicology 210 Dr. Rachel Golden October 23, 2012 Music has always and will always remain a subject of debate on some level. Throughout the years music has developed, progressed, and changed alongside mankind.There were numerous arguments as to what was considered proper and what the rules should be regarding composition during the development of music in each era. With the emergence of the Baroque era of music, the stylistic elements of homophony, alongside features such as basso continuo and a more common use of dissonance, became the norm. Prior to this development music was more structured, following contrapuntal styles and sticking to a strict tonal center.The stretch of time between the Renaissance and Baroque periods of music offered a unique perspective of the changing opinions through the treatises critiquing the current music. A famous argument of this kind took place between Giovanni Artu si and Claudio Monteverdi regarding the latter’s madrigal Cruda Amarilli. It is through the study of this treatise that it is possible to ascertain what the composers’ opinions may have been on other pieces of music through applying their criteria to analyzing other songs.Possente Spirto by Monteverdi is a piece to which these elements can be applied and a logical assumption of the feelings of both of these composers can be reached. Artusi, a composer and music critic, was deeply rooted in the theoretical concepts of the Renaissance era of music, and outwardly condemned the emergence of the new styles in the Baroque era. He was quite conservative, and passionately felt that Monteverdi’s music was distasteful and disrespectful in that it broke the previously established composition rules purely for the pleasure of stepping over boundaries.Possente Spirto blatantly disregards numerous key elements in Renaissance music by incorporating a heavily ornamented, single recitative voice, accompanied only by melodic harmony that is unobtrusive. Artusi was far more concerned with a vertical harmony than linear, horizontal harmony. The vocal portion of this piece is obviously the focal point but according to the ideals that Artusi held, the virtuosic monodic singing was not what would have been desired. Counterpoint and a strict tonal center were the elements that were pleasing to the ear of music enthusiasts and musicians.The dissonances used at unexpected times, the blatant disregard for previously set composition rules, and implementation of features such as modal mixture would make the music inaccessible and disrespectful to listeners who were expecting certain key harmonic elements from their musical experience. While Artusi would not have directly named Monteverdi in a criticism of Possente Spirto(just as he did not name him in his critique of Cruda Amarilli), it would have been evident to any reader that his intent was to examine the validity o f his compositional works.Despite Artusi’s distaste for Monteverdi’s works, his criticisms were less about the composer himself and more in regards to the developing and changing style of modern music. The â€Å"incorrect†voice leading and use of dissonance in an uncharacteristic way was not only outside of what was considered acceptable in composition but was something that was difficult to adjust to hearing. The sound of the linear harmony and dissonance was radically different from anything that had been heard previously, and new inventions are not always attractive at first.On the other side of the argument, Monteverdi was ahead of the time and was experiencing relatively smooth sailing through the awkward transitional period between the Renaissance and Baroque musical eras. He was principally concerned with the listener connecting emotionally and mentally with the music and text of his pieces, so he incorporated a great deal of text painting into his music . He began to focus heavily on the relationships of the text and music in his compositions.He thought that the listeners of his music should understand the messages of the songs, and began to find ways to utilize creative methods of description and expression in his compositions. Monteverdi was essentially ushering in a new age of music by pushing boundaries with his usage of consonances and dissonances. He was unafraid of breaking rules, and did so by throwing the ideas of counterpoint, chiefly the resolutions of notes and atypical harmonic structure, out the proverbial window.In Possente Spirto many fresh, new ideas are starting to arise. It is clearly evident through the utilization of ideas behind the text, the vocal articulation, and also the lyre-like sound of the accompaniment that Monteverdi was heavily influenced by ancient Greek music. Monteverdi would have justified his usage of dissonance by attributing it to the idea of conveying a mood to the listener. The old rules of the First Practice (counterpoint, traditional harmonic resolution, vertical harmony, etc) were of less concern to Monteverdi.The mixture of dramatic musical elements with the text for effect was the ultimate goal in his compositions, and he would have given little thought to the opinions of Artusi on the subject matter. His ideas of the Second Practice helped bridge the gap from Renaissance into the Baroque. In Possente Spirto, the text is what takes center stage in the song. Without the virtuosic singing and delicate musical harmony propelling the feelings of sadness and longing forward in the aria, the song would not have had the overall mood that Monteverdi was looking for.This piece is intended to make the listener connect with Orpheus and sympathize with his plight. The implementation of previously unused harmonic elements made the connection with the singer possible, and that in turn created the blending of music and drama that Monteverdi sought out in this work. Both of the points made by Artusi and Monteverdi were valid and well thought out. The argument simply boiled down to the fact that Artusi was more heavily rooted in tradition than Monteverdi, and favored the traditional voice leading and counterpoint practices.He did not want to see rules broken purely for the sake of breaking them. On the other hand, Monteverdi was more of a dreamer and chose to focus on the emotional element of the music. He wanted to have the listener connect to the music in a way that would make the feel the emotions in the text through the song. Neither composer had any concrete evidence to support the â€Å"winning facts†of the debate. It should be kept in mind that it is likely that Artusi was not exactly attacking Monteverdi, but rather arguing the practices coming into light in composition. It was rumored that they even became friends later.The only question on the table is whether it is better to stay with tradition, or take chances and break out of what is co nsidered acceptable and normal. Monteverdi did just that, and received a great deal of criticism for his work while simultaneously creating pieces that are considered to be great works of art. Possente Spirto, while lovely and evocative, incorporated many of the same elements that caused Artusi’s original critique. At what point does breaking rules becoming less about creating something new and evocative and more about simply ruffling feathers? That, I think, is a subject that will remain up for debate.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Financial Analysis of Blue Scope Steel Company Ltd and One Steel Essay
Financial Analysis of Blue Scope Steel Company Ltd and One Steel Company Plc - Essay Example We found that, though the two companies are quite profitable, Blue Scope Steel Limited is more profitable as we recommend those currently holding its stock should hold or buy more. Our recommendation is for our company to invest in this particular company. Globalization, the new information technology, and deregulation of financial markets and the quest for market dominance have eased the provision and search of finance. Today, millions of shares are traded every day on the world's stock markets. (Penman, 2003). Most often, investors see valuation as the first step toward intelligent investing. It has been argued (e.g. Penman 2003) that an investor can make informed decisions about where to invest once the value of shares are determine based upon the fundamentals. This is so because, without this value investors can either buy high or sell low Investors who trade on these stocks are often forced to ask themselves whether they are buying or selling at the right price. (Penman, 2003). Faced with too much information, Investors at times get confused with no clear indication of what the true prices of stocks should be. (Penman, 2003). Under such circumstances, the investor either make decision based on his or her instinct, such investors according to Penman (2003) are intuitive investors while others who make their decision based on capital market efficiency are referred to as passive investors (Atrill & Elliot2005). Penman, (2003) further argues that in making their decision, passive investors assumed that the market price is a fair price of the shares quoted. These investment mechanisms appear to be very simple, as they do not require much effort. (Penman, 2003: pp 3). How ever that is not the case as neither passive nor intuitive investor turn to be better off in the face of their decision. This is so because these sets of investors can either pay to high or sell too low (Damodaran, 2002). 1.1BlueScope Steel Limited According to the Company 2008 report, BlueScope Steel Limited (BlueScope Steel) is an Australia-based company (Report 2008). The Company is made up of different subsidiaries and is principally engaged in the manufacture and distribution of flat steel products; manufacture and distribution of metallic coated and painted steel products; steel building products, and sometimes in the design and manufacture of pre-engineered steel buildings
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Shortcomings of GDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Shortcomings of GDP - Essay Example It only sums up the outputs of production and does not include intermediary goods and those consumed households (Tyson and Lund 2014). As a result, it does not measure the social welfare and their lifestyles. A country may have high GDPs annually, but there are still cases of increased poverty among its citizens. Additionally, GDP does not include incomes from black markets and other nonmarket activities that are sources of employments and better economic welfares. Lack of including economic activities that directly contribute to an individuals welfare has become a major setback especially in the United States (Tyson and Lund 2014). GDP includes gross incomes and does not account for economic factors such as depreciating capital stocks. On the other hand, solutions have been introduced to modify GDP as a measure of economic welfare. They include the introduction of indexes in the environmental and personal welfare sectors. The Human Development Index (HDI) and Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) have been introduced to provide for omissions that the GDP does not cater for in the economy. Since GDP does not account for social welfare, the HDI can be used as a measure of individual qualities of life and later be included in the GDPs final tally. GDP can also be modified by including other measures of income such as the Gross National
Racial differences (introduction) Personal Statement
Racial differences (introduction) - Personal Statement Example I am a firm believer of the theory that allows for people to remain glued to their own racial and ethnic backgrounds and I am all for their resolute beliefs in them no matter how difficult the circumstances are. This indeed is what I am proud of and it makes me strong and committed day after day. The aspect of my identity that is in line with my work regimes and my academic qualifications are something that I hold on to very firmly. I let the same remain communicated to all and sundry so that my personality develops due to such strong points being on my side. I would rather want people to focus more on my personality traits than choosing to discuss my racial and ethnic priorities because I believe these are insignificant and trivial matters, not providing benefit to anyone at all. Thus I choose not to share such matters with anyone as it creates a sense of animosity between people belonging to different races and ethnicities. The cultural events and occasions have strengthened my perspective upon life and my childhood is full of festivities, cultural exchange, weddings, death anniversaries and so on. I believe all of these points form up as strong basis for my association with my self-identity and this is one characteristic within my personality that I am in love with. My feelings for these occasions and incidents are tied with emotion and a sense of belonging all the same while I have tried my best to remain attached to my roots in the wake of both happiness and grief - a very quintessential feature of my values and the overall upbringing. 4. What or who was influential in shaping your present attitudes towards your own background and toward people from different background' My grandfather was the person who provided meaning to my life. It would not be wrong to suggest that he was and still is my source of motivation that comes from within. He developed in me a sense of finding out the world around me on my own and journeying through the thick and thin of things with a sense of challenge for my own self. He made me a strong person - up for attempting anything in life and this indeed me a tough woman. I cannot think of anything else apart from my rich background and this provides me a cushion to fall back upon in the event I run into problems and distress. I know there are my roots upon which I can place my trust. 5. If your feelings regarding your perceived identity have changed since childhood, who or what has contributed to this change' The only change that I believe has contributed in a small quantity has been in the wake of relationships which in the world of present times have started to diminish unfortunately. Children are getting away from their parents and grandparents and for a woman like me who has been brought up with the patronage of my grandfather; this comes out as a complete surprise for me, living in the time and age of today. However since my personality is molded in a strong way courtesy my family, I know that whatever that is
Monday, August 26, 2019
Integrated emergency management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Integrated emergency management - Essay Example What is the aim of Disaster risk reduction? It has an intention to reduce economic and social hazards vulnerabilities to emergency disasters. In empirical terms when managing a disaster its always right to apply professionalism, embrace the use of technology, good planning and proper management to avert a risk that can kill or rather injure large number of people and animal .The effects of disasters goes beyond loss of lives but also property worth of millions is destroyed and the community life disrupted(Kassim 890) The emergency managers should indentify and prepare adequately to mitigate the catastrophe when they occur. Businesses are starting to realize the need for disaster management because when the hazards occur the business community losses major stakes in investments (Howari 1090).Emergency management in the recent past event management has been a collaborative effort by all stakeholders both the government and the nongovernmental organisations. There have been major factors that have led to increase of awareness for establishment of disaster management in the U.A.E .There have been a principle of autonomous imm unity at all state levels in the 25 years. Furthermore legal provision such as the tort of liability for state and local government has led to more emphasis o disaster risk management. The government or individual person can be sued if convicted with tort of negligence .There are some situations some disasters can be avoided such as leakages in chemical plant. The chemical fumes may adversely affect the surrounding population and the person who is assigned the duty of being the custodian is liable for negligence. Another school of thought suggest that it’s the professionalization of the emergency managers have developed the urge to have integrated system to manage disasters(Roger Bird 48) The need to manage emergency was developed because of the adverse effects realize when these
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Foreign Bonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Foreign Bonds - Essay Example Foreign Bonds Introduction to Foreign Bonds â€Å"Foreign bonds are a debt security issued by a borrower from outside the country in whose currency the bond is denominated and in which the bond is sold†(Scott 2003). Whatever country the bonds come from, they fall into either of two classes: government bonds and corporate bonds (Brigham & Eharhardt 2009). The former is supported by the issuing governments and their agencies. For example, a bond denominated in Philippine peso that is issued by the government of the United Sates is a foreign bond. Bonds that are partially backed by the U.S. government are called â€Å"Brady bonds†after Nicholas Brady, former treasury secretary under the administration of presidents Reagan and Bush (Brigham & Ehrhardt 2009). Corporate bonds, on the other are issued by foreign or multinational corporations (MNCs) (Madura 2006). For instance, Sharp Corporation (a Japanese firm) may need U.S. dollars to finance the operations of its holdings in the United States. If it decides to raise the needed capital in the United States, then the bond would be financed by a group of U.S. investment bankers, denominated in U.S. dollars, and sold to U.S. investors in accordance with SEC and applicable state regulations. The bond is no different from those issued by equivalent U.S. corporations except for its foreign origin, thus making it a foreign bond. Alternatively, if Sharp Corporation issued bonds in the Philippines that were denominated in pesos then they would also be considered as foreign bonds. â€Å"Foreign bond issues carry prefixes that indicate the country in which the offering is made†(Shailaja 2008). If Sharp Corporation would make a U.S. dollar denominated bond issue in the U.S. capital market, it is making an issue of Yankee bonds. Similarly a Samurai bond is a yen denominated bond issue made by a foreign borrower in the Japanese capital market to Japanese investors. A Bulldog bond is a pound sterling denomi nated bond issue made by a foreign borrower in the British capital market to British investors. Foreign bonds may be subject to withholding tax. â€Å"This is a tax levied by the country to which the foreign borrower belongs, on interest payments made to foreign bondholders†(Shailaja 2008). Suppose Sharp Corporation makes a Yankee bond issue and the Japanese tax law stipulates that a 15% withholding tax must be levied on interest payments made by Sharp Corporation to the bond holder. If the face value of each bond is $100 and the fixed coupon rate is 10%, the interest receivable by a bondholder is $10. But with the 15% withholding tax, he receives only $8.5â€â€that is, $10 less 15%. The Reason Foreign Bonds Exist â€Å"Foreign bonds are designed to cater to the investment needs of the target market†(Shailaja 2008). They have certain attributes that appeal to investors in the capital market where they are tendered. Foreign firms or multinational corporations that aspire to expand their business portfolios choose to issue bonds in several foreign countries. This is also one strategy to obtain support from the government of each foreign country that they plan to do business with. Issuers understand that they may be able to attract a stronger demand by offering their bonds in a particular foreign country rather than in their home country (Madura 2008). Some countries have a limited investor base, so companies in those countries seek financing overseas (Madura 2008). Also
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Irish revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Irish revolution - Essay Example A clash of opinions and perspectives results into conflicts. ‘Revolutionary changes’ ultimately refer to the outcomes of a revolution i.e. the resulting reforms and alterations that progress after a revolution. Most changes begin with a single major conflict but it is not until later that we realize whether it is revolutionary or not. On the other hand, when a nation faces the problem of sovereignty, a revolutionary outcome is guaranteed. When various major parties arise in a nation, with various ideologies, that condition is known as multiple sovereignty. Yet the result i.e. victory and defeat, in any condition can never be predicted with certainty. Dual sovereignty is when a nation has two major parties, mainly the ruling party and the opposition party, with two different point of views. Irish revolution was a rebellion against the British rule by the ‘united Irishmen’ of Ireland (The 1798 Irish rebellion 2013). ‘United society of Irishmen’ wa s a combination of various protesting parties into a single society. They demanded the separation of Ireland from Britain. The causes for this demand were deep rooted. The main conflict between the British and the Irish was due to religion. For many years Ireland had been ruled by the Anglican minority as they were a member of ‘established church that was loyal to the British crown’. ... he fact that Ireland was given lesser rights than other British colonies are some of the reasons which led to numerous disagreements between the government and the public. The United society of Irishmen mainly relied on the intervention of the French military. Their assistance came as promised in fleets however adverse weather conditions scattered them leaving the Irish support less. The French fleets were an open declaration of rebellion thus the British, acting from the Dublin castle, suppressed the society to almost non-existence. Contrary to further plans, the Dublin rebels retreated at the last second of rebellion and brought the minor resistances up front creating confusion, chaos and terror. All the rebellions were suppressed with the exception of Wexford. However the rebels again faced defeat New Ross, Arklow, Newtownbarry. The northern rebellions in Ballymena, Antrim and Ballynahinch were brutally crushed by the military. The United Irishmen suffered much causality and the n orthern revolt was suppressed. The army then progressed towards the Vinegar Hill where the rebels had camped. The army made a surprise attack upon them. They were slaughtered and hanged mercilessly. The British regained control over the country. The last blow on behalf of the Irish rebels was made by the French when 1000 troops attacked and won at Castlebar. However it was an empty victory as the French soon ran out of steam and surrendered to the British. The chief outcome of the rebellious activities was the abolishment of Irish parliament. Their failed freedom and independence movement led the British to take even more severe measures against them. This resulted in even lesser freedom, equality and liberty to the citizens of Ireland. The numerous amounts of causalities due to this
Friday, August 23, 2019
Netflix and Porter's Five Forces Model Coursework
Netflix and Porter's Five Forces Model - Coursework Example The HBO subscribers are able to watch any available movie on the network at any given time. For instance, Netflix customers have the ability to order movies online at a relative lower fee of $7.99 per month (Jones and Hill 42). Supplier power in the movie rentals is also recognized to be too low. The low supplier power can be attributed to few distributors who all sell their products at the same price. The customers’ bargaining power play a crucial role in determining the pressure they put on a particular market. According to the Five Forces Model, there are threats of substitute and services and they are moderately high. Free online streaming is another source of movie rentals. Websites such as and allow their users to watch movies online free of charge. Even though this provides a free alternative, there is a switching cost for the current Netflix users. Netflix customers can stream movies to their television sets through certain video game consoles. In the process of switching to the free online streaming, customers do not incur the monthly $7.99 fee. However, this only limits them to watch the movies on an internet accessible device (Kaplan 45). The threat of new entrants is the next force. This force can similarly be recognized to be moderately high. There are only a few barriers connected to the entry into the movie rental industry. The first barrier is the need to have the legal rights that will allow the company to supply copyrighted movies to its customers. This barrier seems tricky for a company entering the industry since it will hard for the company to overcome the barrier. Use of online services is another potential barrier to entry. With the current technological advancements, it will important for a new business to include online involvement. This point greatly emphasizes the threat of new companies entering the movie rental industry. With the option of free online streaming, a new web-based company will probably
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Paris Peace Settlements Essay Example for Free
Paris Peace Settlements Essay An international order means how the world exist, work and co-related to each other, which could explain in different aspects included political, military, economic and diplomatic. In the following paragraphs, how Paris Peace Settlements during 1919-23 established a new international order would be explained. In the political aspect, the new international order characterized by the declination of Europe and marked by the rise of US. Before 1914, the world was dominated by Europe. European countries were strong in terms of economic and military power. The European countries are industrialized; they have high competiveness between each others in foreign goods. They have the power to establish overseas colonies. Thus, European countries have very strong military strength which was showed in the arms race between different countries. However, during the Paris Peace Settlements US became one of the big three, and have large authority over the drafting of treaties. After WWI, European countries were exhausted. Britain, for example, she became one of the world’s largest debtors with interest payments that formed around 40% of the government spending. In the new international order, the design of map had changedâ€â€new states were created and the Paris Peace Settlements leaded the declination of European empires. Before 1914, it was an age of empires, there are: German Empire, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Russian Empire etc. After 1923, the fall of empires occurred, Russia fell after the October Revolution, became the first communist country and German Empire became republic (Weimar Republic) after the German revolution. In the Paris Peace Settlement, Austria-Hungarian Empire had splitted into Austria and Hungary due to Treaty of St.Germain and Ottoman Empire declined largely; it had lost territory due to the Treaty of Lausanne. Germany lost Poland, reduced it size and lost all overseas colonies in the Treaty of Versailles. After 1923, there were establishments of new nations such as Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Finland etc. due to the principal of self determination that the Paris Peace Settlem ent put into practice. In the new international order, an organization League of Nations was set up for peace keeping. Before 1914, there were only two attempts for peace makingâ€â€the Hague conference. There are no agreements were reached in both Hague Conferences which leaded to the failure of peace keeping and WWI was broken out. After 1919, The Paris Peace settlements were called to decide what to do to achieve peace and settle matters in peaceful means. In the new international order, the rise of totalitarianism in Italy and Germany occurred. Before 1914, extreme nationalism only caused European powers to scramble about for colonies to bring about national glory; however, they did not expand by taking territories nearby. Thus, there were no changes or rise of any new political ideology, only nationalism caused territorial change and colonial rivalries. On the Paris Peace Settlements, the big three tend to weaken Germany and Austria, to prevent them from growing into a strong power again by abolishing union between the two of them and ceding land from them. After 1919, rise of totalitarianism caused countries like Italy and Germany to adopt expansionist foreign policies in order to regain ‘territorial loss’ e.g. Italy occupied Greek island in 1923. In military aspect, the domination of Germans’ military was lost in the new international order. Before 1914, Germany was one of the strongest countries in terms of military. From treaty of Versailles, Germany was only allowed a regular army that was limited to 100,000 military personnel, an air force and only a very small fleet. The compulsory enlistment into the armed forces had put to an end. Thus, Rhineland had to be occupied for 15 years by the allied military forces. All commissions in Germany controlled by the allies until 1927 from 1919. After 1919, due to the military restrictions imposed on Germany, there was a lost of the military advantage and the status of domination. In the new international order, the League of Nations adopted a principalâ€â€Collective security which means when a country is being attacked; other country should give aid come to support the attacked country. Before 1914, there is no any ideology to give military aid to countries, but only secret agreements or treaties or to use military power in solving problem and conflict. Thus, arms race between countries occurred very often, countries could compete for land on their own without passing through any trials or any peace keeping bodies. On the Paris Peace Settlement, there was the establishment of League of Nations which symbolizes the existence of collective security. Also, there were disarmaments of the defeated powers to maintain peace e.g. abolition of conscription in Germany. After 1919, there were restrictions in military over the defeated powers. European powers tried to negotiate, instead of using military power to solve problems. In the economic aspect, Germany lost its economic income, at the same time; France got the power to recover from the war in the new international order. Before 1914, there were many natural resources in Germany, many coal mines in the northern part of Germany. By 1900, the average mine output had risen to 280,000 tons. By 1913, there was a production of 18 million tons of steel. However, in the treaty of Versailles, the Saar was to be governed by the League of Nations for 15 years started from 1919, and its coalfields were to be ceded to France. After 1919, Germany had lost an income to recover from war. In the new international order, there was a huge unbalancing concerning about the economyâ€â€Germany was almost being bankrupt however allied powers received a source of recovery. Before 1914, Germany was rich and had competitiveness among the European powers. Germany had textile industries, coal production, banks, railways, and steel production. In the treaty of Versailles, Germany had to pay reparations up to 6.6 billion pounds. After 1923, Germany could not afford the huge indemnity, workers had discontent because they did not have payment for their job, as their money were all used to pay the reparations. At the same time, the government had to print more money to satisfy the need of workers, however, it soon faced serious economic problems such as hyperinflation and unemployment. On the other hand, Britain and France received reparations from Germany; it had been a source of recovery from the destruction brought by war and distant of recovery from the war for Germany was far. In the new international order, Austria went bankrupt and Hungary’s industry suffered greatly. Before 1914, Austria-Hungary had agriculture and food industry, and was the most important foreign food supplier to Germany, Italy and Britain. It also had heavy industry such as car manufacturing and electric power industry. However, in the Treaty of St. Germain, Austria had to pay reparations. In the Treaty of Trianon, Hungary lost population which meant the loss of productivity. After 1919, Austria and Hungary suffered and had to rely on League of Nations to recover from the war. In diplomatic aspect, the idea of collective security was being raised in League of Nations. Before 1914, there was extreme nationalism, which encouraged European powers to expand the overseas colonies; military also meant the status and the power of a country and have a suspicious attitude towards other European powers. In the Paris Peace Settlements, there was the formation of League of Nations to ensure world peace. Moreover, it was situated in Switzerland to ensure its neutrality. After 1919, there were more measures on peace keeping. To conclude, a new international order was established via Paris Peace Settlements.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Psychology of Personality Essay Example for Free
Psychology of Personality Essay Psychology of personality is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of personality and the individual differences. The main areas of focus are usually looking at individual’s psychological processes, the individual differences and studying how human behavior is similar. Personality is usually defined as well organized and dynamic set of characteristics possessed by a person that distinctively influence the cognitions, behavior in various situations and motivations. Since personality is complex and dynamic, various psychologists have come up with different theories to explain the different personality types. For the purpose of this paper, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and Jung’s theory of personality shall be used to analyze the personality of a lady friend by the name Ann. Since most people have various personality disorders, Ann’s personality disorder shall also be analyzed. Freud’s Theory of Personality The Freud’s theory of personality illustrates that personality of a human being is made up of three structures namely; the ego, superego and id. The id contains instincts and it is usually unconscious. The ego develops after the id and is considered to be the executive branch of personality since it uses reasoning to make decisions. Both the ego and id have no morality but the superego is the structure that contains morality as it takes into account whether something is right or wrong. The superego is also referred as the conscience since it has the ability to judge whether something is right or wrong. According to Freud’s theory of personality, personality is established at around five years of age. Studies suggest that the early childhood experience influence human behavior and continue to do so through out the whole life (Mitterer Coon 2008). Further studies illustrate that behavior of a person develops through a series of childhood stages and the driving force during the stages is usually the psychosexual energy. Incase all the stages are completed successfully, healthy personality develops and if not, fixation occurs which leads to a personality disorder. These stages of development include the anal, oral, phallic, latent, and genital stage. Some of these stages shall be discussed comprehensively while analyzing Ann’s personality. Jung’s Theory of Personality Jung is psychologist who accomplished much but his personality theory of introversion and extroversion gained a lot of recognition and overshadowed the rest of his work. His theory suggests that introversion and extroversion are opposing attitude types that make a person to behave in a particular way. According to this theory of personality, human behavior is controlled by the introversion and extroversion attitudes. He defines an introvert as someone who is quite aware of the inner world and does not give much thought to the external world. An introvert attitude is usually more concerned with the subjective appraisal and considers dreams and fantasies more. On the other hand, an extrovert is usually characterized by the outside movement of the psyche energy. An extrovert attitude places more importance on the objectivity and at the same time gains a lot of influence from the outer environment than the inner cognitive processes. Nonetheless, the theory suggests that it is still possible for one person to have both attitudes though more often than not one must be overshadowed by another. The four functions of the personality theory namely, thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition were combined so as to come up with the eight personality types. Discussion Ann is a twenty five year old lady who currently works as a research scientist. She is very competent and productive, and since she was employed two years ago, she has received a number of awards due to her competency. She happens to be the first born in the family of four and has been brought up by very strict parents. Though she loves people, she mostly prefers to be alone and in social functions she prefers to remain calm and only talks with people close to her. She spends most of her leisure time reading or watching television when she is not studying. She can make a very good friend but once angered she reacts aggressively and she can put up a fight very first. In addition, she is quite independent and barely shares her things with other people. However, many people usually complain of her reserved and cold nature but she is quite orderly and maintains high level of cleanliness. In application of the Jung’s theory of personality, Ann displays more of an introvert attitude than that of an extrovert. While making decisions, Ann takes her time analyzing the available options and is not easily influenced by the outside factors which display an introvert attitude as illustrated by Jung’s theory of personality. She often makes a decision which suits her best, without giving much consideration to what others may think of her. Moreover she works best while alone and does not prefer social functions unless when it is very necessary. A person with such behavior is classified as an introvert by the Jung’s theory of personality (Gelpi 1993). While applying the Freud’s theory of personality, some of the behavior that characterizes Ann’s personality can be attributed to the experiences she passed through during the early childhood stages. The fact that she holds a lot of mistrust toward people illustrates that the care takers did not feed her on demand during the oral stage. However, during the anal stage, she received the appropriate toilet training hence the reason why she is quite competent, productive and orderly (Dumont, Wedding Corsini 2007). Personality Disorder A personality disorder is often described as an enduring pattern of inner experiences and behavior that seems to deviates from individual’s culture and sets in during early adulthood or adolescence stage (Dobbert 2007). Since most of these behaviors are pervasive and also chronic they usually cause impairment in the daily life. A study of Ann’s life shows that she most probably suffers from a paranoid personality disorder. It is a disorder that is characterized by agoraphobia, depression and substance abuse as illustrated by the studies of (Dobbert, 2007). Ann displays most of the symptoms associate with paranoid disorder because she does not trust people, gets angry quickly especially if she thinks that she is being deceived, thinks that people are untrustworthy, she is always serious and secretive, and always analyzes every gesture and conversation to look for the hidden meaning. The above mentioned Ann’s personality traits illustrate that she suffers from paranoid personality disorder since the same symptoms characterize the disorder are part of the diagnostic criteria of the disorder. Conclusion and Recommendation Psychology of personality is very important since it helps in understanding different personalities as illustrated by the different behaviors. In psychology, there are many theories that have been established to explain different personalities. Despite the fact that all have the same goals some contain controversial ideas. However, they are still very helpful. In this study, the Freud’s theory of personality which illustrates that early childhood experiences shape the behavior of a person has helped in understanding the personality of Ann. It was possible to deduce that her mistrust originates from her oral stage as her caretakers did not feed her on demand. Such an experience makes an infant to lose trust on people. Jung’s theory of personality helps in understanding that the reserved nature of Ann is a result of an introverted attitude. In addition, the study has been of great help since it was possible to realize that Ann’s pervasive behavior of excessive mistrust is as a result of a paranoid personality disorder. References Dobbert, L. D. , (2007). Understanding personality disorders: an introduction. Westport, Greenwood Publishing Group. Dumont, F. , Wedding, D. Corsini, J. , (2007). Current Psychotherapies. Stamford, Cengage Learning. Gelpi, D. L. , (1993). Committed Worship: Adult Conversion and Initiation. Collegeville, Liturgical Press Mitterer, J. O. Coon, D. , (2008). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior. Stamford, Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Corporate Culture Enhance Organisational Performance Business Essay
Corporate Culture Enhance Organisational Performance Business Essay Organization culture is a source of sustained competitive advantage; corporate culture plays a very important role in organisational performance. By reviewing existing documents of the organizational culture research, we make a study of the theoretic elements of organizational culture and analyse its effect on firms performance. The study in this paper gives us a better understanding on how enterprises get better performance and establish the foundation of the successful corporations. The Hewlett Packard case analysis from Kotter and Heskett (1992) had confirmed that strong corporate culture enhances organisational performance Key words Organizational behaviour, organizational culture, firm performance Competitive advantage, resources, synergistic effect Introduction A recent study (Fun Yun et al. 2003) has investigated that the development of modern management science has been through three stages: Classical Management Theory, Behavioural Science Management Theory, and Management Theory Jungle (Harold Koonty 1961). In early 1980s the fourth stage organizational culture has began, this phase focuses on how to apply the cultural research results to the enterprise management. Organizational culture as a modern enterprise management theory and management strategy are more and more sought after from the business community and the academic circles from whole world. Some scholars believe that the enterprise competitive advantage not only can be relied on its capacity also with its ability in the organizational culture. However, many studies have shown that, when determining unique characteristics of a company, culture can even be decided for which strategic to choose. According to the view of Barneys (1986), culture is the continuous strategy for enterprises to give them a competitive advantage of the resources. Achieve competitive advantage at least in part rely on capacity. Therefore, the enterprises research extends to the key ability and resources such as culture is meaning very important. This literature review is revolve around cooperate culture and to discuss the basic theory of organizational culture and corporate culture for the influence of enterprise performance. Literature Review 1 Organizational culture theory research evolution process of a brief review The concept of organization culture is acknowledged by Pettigrew (1979) in the article organizational culture research , and in 1982 attracted the attention of academic and business management circles mainly due to few books published: Ouchi (1981) theory z; Pascale and Athos (1981) the Japanese management art L6; Deal Kennedy(1982) corporate culture , Peters Waterman(1982) search of excellence. Since then, organization of culture has opened a new page and a lot of organizational culture research paper is constantly emerging by group of distinguished researchers as Ouchi, Hofstede, Sehein, Wilkins etc, they are excellent at the area of organizational culture in their respective areas of expertise and conducted successful research. After the 80s the academics and businesses were mainly studying the organization culture management that were based on the following elements, comparative management culture, factual study of the culture and management of the cooperate culture and other relative elements of the culture. Hofstede (1980) points out variation of manage practices, similarity or dissimilarity due to different culture or countries, and hance finding out the effect of culture on organizational performance. As Lincoln and Kalleberg (1990) In their reseach of the United States and Japanese enterprises explored the work attitude with emphasis on the culture, and they visualize culture as a management tool for the organization control. This is also further illustrated by Sekaran and Snodgrass (1989) with four counties (United States, Japan, Sweden, Yugoslavia) showing the effect of culture on the organizations efficiency difference. Some culture researcher like Schein (1990) and Kotter and Heskett (1992) were using questionnaire or empirical data as research method. They are studying aims to determine if there is a correlation between organization culture and enterprises long term business performance. Considerable attention has been given to leadership and organization culture. Also there are other researcher consider effectiveness between coalition of culture and other factor during the organization management. Ogbonna et al. (2000) claims that when the enterprise face to pressures from external environment, the leader style impact organization culture and then further impact to organisation performance. Leadership style cannot be directly affect organizational performance and can only through the organizational culture as a media to indirect influence performance. Corresponding is that competitive and innovation of Cultural characteristics directly affect performance. 2 Influence corporate cultures on enterprise performance According to Kilman et al (1985) comment, there is three degree of impacts: (1) Cultural orientation, meaning that Cultural influence organizations operational direction correctively; (2) the permeability of culture, means the degree of consensus in the members of the organization for the culture. (3) Cultural strength means the degree of loyalty to culture by organizations members. Strong cultures have greater influence that means it has a wide range of permeability and far reaching impact on the strength of the entity. If the team member are provided with consistent targets and shared the same values, they will be satisfied with what they are doing and will be more focused with their tasks. However even if the culture of the organization is pointed in right direction but the members cannot understand or achieve it or be loyal to it, then this will be a weak culture with negative impact on the performance of the entity. Trice (1993) also indicates that a strong organizational culture also can reduce the cost of decision- making and make work specialization. Strong organizational culture has been recommended by Akin and Hopelain (1986) to the entire managers who wish to enhance their productivity or performance. The organization will receive great return from investments or marketing if they propagate culture and using it as the decision making tool. The organizations that do not propagate culture always get less return; it has been confirmed by Denison (1990). Regardless of companies strategy or culture being people or reliability or productivity orientated they all still compete for great profit and productivity. IBM CEO Tom Watson in 1962 delivered a speech at Columbia University, he said: related business operating performance, enterprises management thoughts, spirit and goals are much more important than technical resources, economic resources, enterprise structure, invention and random Decision. Of course, all these factors also greatly affect the performance of the business. But I think, all those factors are sourced from employees and how they extent of basic beliefs of enterprises ideas (Jack E. S. 2012). But at many enterprises, organizational culture has been viewed as subordinate, even they described it as companys slogan, they deem the organization culture is creating needless official documents and procedures, and organization culture cannot bring any value to the enterprise. Kets deVries and Miller (1986) argued that when the business face hardship due to factors that is beyond their control even the culture is not helpful and may affect the company s performance negatively. Some scholars have began to try or test the construction of culture-performance causal relationships, such as Peters and Waterman (1982) of excellent companies , all emphasize positive effect of organizational culture on organizational performance . All in all, comprehensive enterprise practices and scholars research results shows organizational culture is positive factor for enterprise to obtain the best performance, to make right decisions and also face and deal with external factors. Therefore, all the attention and practice researchers been that cultural pattern is commodity and culture and organizational performance are coupled (PetersWaterman 1982). Conclusion To sum up, in the 20 years of organizational culture research, great achievements have been made. Culture can be regarded not only as a Relative special management field; it can also create influence and change cultural reality. Although some scholars believe that thotre of lack of the organization turn the research category too widely, as if from soup to nuts (Alvesson, 1993)  ¼Ã…’This is mainly due to the organizational culture research lack of a clear Analysis framework and theory foundation for culture research orientation, which led to the blind man feels like results (Mirvis Sales, 1990). Therefore, this paper is based on the organizational culture of the evolution process. I have briefly reviewed and analysed the theoretical basis of organizational culture, and it link to enterprise performance. this paper discusses the organizational culture for the influence of so as to further study on culture as the foundation. The organizations of the future culture research must be around the competitive advantage it creates and maintains in wider and deeper level and strategic change, other factors such as technology innovation behaviour by combining research, for enterprises in the fierce competition process on top is a positive.
Why Americas Capitalist System Is Failing Essay -- Capitalism Failure
Why America's Capitalist System Is Failing      The American capitalist system works in a way that enables a small percentage of the population to live in utmost comfort with a large percentage of the country’s money and power. The majority of them get to this position through affiliation, and the lesser of them contrastingly through many years of hard work and struggle through a system that forces assimilation prior to incorporation. The majority of the population either lingers in the middle-class working for big businesses, whose ethical role in society they have no say in, or own a business that puts the responsibility of the lives of several shareholders in their hands. The remainder of society lives off of these people; cleaning, cooking, or serving for them. The only difference between this economic system and the old caste system in India is that the Americans can move between castes only by denying their moral beliefs.      Take, for example, the current president George Bush; his business skills did not permit his original business endeavors to succeed. He was actually a drunken party-boy, until the expectations to live up to his family name pressed him to seek success. Despite his disqualifications, the Bush name enabled him to overcome his bad investments and eventually receive a well-paying office job that required little of him. In contrast to a man that came from a less-renowned family, this young man’s lack of characteristics that generally evoke succe...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Internship Reflection :: Reflection
An internship is a formal program to provide practical experience for beginners in an occupation or profession. By this point in my internship I am more than half way through it and taking on more and more responsibilities and positions as I go along. After a minor break from researching, I researched for three more hours on the Victorian memorabilia project. I found out companies who made postcards and when the Sanborn map company emerged. Once I was done I wanted to prepare more for physical archiving, so I trained two more hours with the Past Perfect disk. Tomorrow started my first experience with archiving. On my first day of archiving I worked with Barbara and Sandy. We filled out data entry sheets and I finished two books within two hours because we were all learning. Each book must have two sheets filled out on it, one being a data entry form and the second being a condition report on the book. These data entry sheets were made to correlate with the Past Perfect archiving program. Once done with the data entry sheets we would copy the number we assigned the book on to the card inside the book and then file the books back on to the shelves in numerical order. So through the Past Perfect training disk and all of us working on the book sheets we became experts at data entry. Second day of archiving I worked with Barbara and Ardienne. We got a total of twenty-five books done, which I finished thirteen of those books. I trained Ardienne how to fill in the data archiving book sheets and I checked to make sure she filled them out correctly. The books we archived will be reference b ooks, which will later be used in a library the Milford Historical Society is planning to have. Some of the books were directly related to Milford, while others were archaeology books. On the third day of archiving with Susan we archived eleven books in total. I taught Susan how to fill out the archiving book sheets. We came across some books we think were accessioned or archived before, which meant they were catalogued already. Thus, we left them on the table in a pile so on the desk till we could solve figure out where they would be shelved.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Fallacy of Minority Discrimination in Sports :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Fallacy of Minority Discrimination in Sports When someone flips through the channels on a TV and they happen to pause on a sports game, they will most likely see a small number of white athletes. The next thing that they might see is a commercial trying to tell them that minorities in sports are being discriminated. This is not the case. There is no racial discrimination against minorities in sports. There is a much higher percentage of minorities than White-Americans in more than just one professional sport. There are also a number of high-ranking officials in sports that are minorities. Franchises pay money to the athletes that are most qualified to be put on the team; not to athletes that are not minority. It wasn't until 1947, when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier of Major League Baseball (Northeastern...). This marked the introduction of minorities into professional sports. Today, the numbers of minorities in most sports far exceeds the numbers of White-Americans. Yet some minorities feel that they are being discriminated against. Franchises of professional sports teams fork out millions of dollars to minority athletes every year. When dealing with huge amounts of money there is no question about discriminating against minorities. Franchises wouldn't pay out millions of dollars to athletes that aren't qualified. Athletes are constantly being traded and released from teams. These athletes may be of minority gender, but they are definitely not being traded or released because of race. They are most likely going to end up at another team that will pay them a good deal of money. The question of minorities holding head-coaching jobs is often heard in the sports world. As of 1997, there were only three minority head coaches in the National Football League (NFL). All three of these coaches are African- American (New York Amsterdam News). Some people say that there should be more African-American head coaches in sports that are dominated by African-Americans. The three minority head coaches coach one-tenth of the teams that are in the NFL. One-tenth of the general population of theUnited States is made up of native-born African-Americans (Barret). So, one could say that one-tenth of the population is coaching one-tenth of the NFL teams; an equal ratio. Some minorities speak out and ask why there are not more high-ranking offices being held by minorities. There are other high offices that are obtained by minorities.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Adu E-learning system Essay
Introduction: In today’s modern society, computer has become a way of life especially by means of communication. Mostly, people nowadays have their own internet connection so they can freely use the internet. There are many websites site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections, these websites are sometimes we call â€Å"Social Networking-Sites†,most famous example of this are facebook and twitter Most social network services are web-based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet. There are kinds of social networking sites that was used for educational purposes in Schools, Colleges and Universities,these are what we call â€Å"LMS(Learning Management System) or E-learning System,it enable students to learn anytime and anywhere and can be also used in terms communication, with the use of internet. Example of this was our own Adamson University E-learning System that enables us to see the announcements, updates of our school events, lessons(updated by some of our professor), see grades online and other things. It also serves us as a communication for the professors and students or students to students because we can send messages, we can chat in room section.professors can give assignments and We,students can pass assignments online. In this study, We hope that we can see the effects of AdU E-learning System in terms of communication with students’ and professors because nowadays We, researchers see and also experienced the usage of Also E-learning System and many Adamsonian students often use it in terms of communication purposes. Statement of the Problem: Major Problems: What are the effects of Adu E-learning system in the communication of students and professors. Minor Problems: 1.Demographic Profile of respondents in terms of: a.Age b.Course c.Often usage of E-Leaning System d.Time Spent in using E-Learning System 2.What are the effects of Adu E-learning system in the communication of students and professors in terms of? a.Study lessons b.Reminders of school events c.Announcement of grades Scopes and Limitation of the study In general, the focus of this study is directed towards learning of effects of AdU E-learning System in terms of communication with students’ and professors and for Adamsonian College Students who uses E-Learning System for communication purposes. Significance of the study Adamson University College Students. In this study, students can benefit a lot on this study for they can learn the effects of E-learning System in terms of Communication of students’ and professors. Know the Importance of AdU E-learning System. Lesson/Updates Researchers. The researches have developed their writing and analysis skills needed to make a good thesis Definition of terms LMS (Learning Management System)-systems that enable students to learn anytime and anywhere and can be also used in terms communication by the use of internet.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-nine
Sansa Sansa rode to the Hand's tourney with Septa Mordane and Jeyne Poole, in a litter with curtains of yellow silk so fine she could see right through them. They turned the whole world gold. Beyond the city walls, a hundred pavilions had been raised beside the river, and the common folk came out in the thousands to watch the games. The splendor of it all took Sansa's breath away; the shining armor, the great chargers caparisoned in silver and gold, the shouts of the crowd, the banners snapping in the wind . . . and the knights themselves, the knights most of all. â€Å"It is better than the songs,†she whispered when they found the places that her father had promised her, among the high lords and ladies. Sansa was dressed beautifully that day, in a green gown that brought out the auburn of her hair, and she knew they were looking at her and smiling. They watched the heroes of a hundred songs ride forth, each more fabulous than the last. The seven knights of the Kingsguard took the field, all but Jaime Lannister in scaled armor the color of milk, their cloaks as white as freshfallen snow. Ser Jaime wore the white cloak as well, but beneath it he was shining gold from head to foot, with a lion's-head helm and a golden sword. Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain That Rides, thundered past them like an avalanche. Sansa remembered Lord Yohn Royce, who had guested at Winterfell two years before. â€Å"His armor is bronze, thousands and thousands of years old, engraved with magic runes that ward him against harm,†she whispered to Jeyne. Septa Mordane pointed out Lord Jason Mallister, in indigo chased with silver, the wings of an eagle on his helm. He had cut down three of Rhaegar's bannermen on the Trident. The girls giggled over the warrior priest Thoros of Myr, with his flapping red robes and shaven head, until the septa told the m that he had once scaled the walls of Pyke with a flaming sword in hand. Other riders Sansa did not know; hedge knights from the Fingers and Highgarden and the mountains of Dorne, unsung freeriders and new-made squires, the younger sons of high lords and the heirs of lesser houses. Younger men, most had done no great deeds as yet, but Sansa and Jeyne agreed that one day the Seven Kingdoms would resound to the sound of their names. Ser Balon Swann. Lord Bryce Caron of the Marches. Bronze Yohn's heir, Ser Andar Royce, and his younger brother Ser Robar, their silvered steel plate filigreed in bronze with the same ancient runes that warded their father. The twins Ser Horas and Ser Hobber, whose shields displayed the grape cluster sigil of the Redwynes, burgundy on blue. Patrek Mallister, Lord Jason's son. Six Freys of the Crossing: Ser Jared, Ser Hosteen, Ser Danwell, Ser Emmon, Ser Theo, Ser Perwyn, sons and grandsons of old Lord Walder Frey, and his bastard son Martyn Rivers as well. Jeyne Poole confessed herself frightened by the look of Jalabhar Xho, an exile prince from the Summer Isles who wore a cape of green and scarlet feathers over skin as dark as night, but when she saw young Lord Beric Dondarrion, with his hair like red gold and his black shield slashed by lightning, she pronounced herself willing to marry him on the instant. The Hound entered the lists as well, and so too the king's brother, handsome Lord Renly of Storm's End. Jory, Alyn, and Harwin rode for Winterfell and the north. â€Å"Jory looks a beggar among these others,†Septa Mordane sniffed when he appeared. Sansa could only agree. Jory's armor was blue-grey plate without device or ornament, and a thin grey cloak hung from his shoulders like a soiled rag. Yet he acquitted himself well, unhorsing Horas Redwyne in his first joust and one of the Freys in his second. In his third match, he rode three passes at a freerider named Lothor Brune whose armor was as drab as his own. Neither man lost his seat, but Brune's lance was steadier and his blows better placed, and the king gave him the victory. Alyn and Harwin fared less well; Harwin was unhorsed in his first tilt by Ser Meryn of the Kingsguard, while Alyn fell to Ser Balon Swann. The jousting went all day and into the dusk, the hooves of the great warhorses pounding down the lists until the field was a ragged wasteland of torn earth. A dozen times Jeyne and Sansa cried out in unison as riders crashed together, lances exploding into splinters while the commons screamed for their favorites. Jeyne covered her eyes whenever a man fell, like a frightened little girl, but Sansa was made of sterner stuff. A great lady knew how to behave at tournaments. Even Septa Mordane noted her composure and nodded in approval. The Kingslayer rode brilliantly. He overthrew Ser Andar Royce and the Marcher Lord Bryce Caron as easily as if he were riding at rings, and then took a hard-fought match from white-haired Barristan Selmy, who had won his first two tilts against men thirty and forty years his junior. Sandor Clegane and his immense brother, Ser Gregor the Mountain, seemed unstoppable as well, riding down one foe after the next in ferocious style. The most terrifying moment of the day came during Ser Gregor's second joust, when his lance rode up and struck a young knight from the Vale under the gorget with such force that it drove through his throat, killing him instantly. The youth fell not ten feet from where Sansa was seated. The point of Ser Gregor's lance had snapped off in his neck, and his life's blood flowed out in slow pulses, each weaker than the one before. His armor was shiny new; a bright streak of fire ran down his outstretched arm, as the steel caught the light. Then the sun went behind a cloud, and it was gone. His cloak was blue, the color of the sky on a clear summer's day, trimmed with a border of crescent moons, but as his blood seeped into it, the cloth darkened and the moons turned red, one by one. Jeyne Poole wept so hysterically that Septa Mordane finally took her off to regain her composure, but Sansa sat with her hands folded in her lap, watching with a strange fascination. She had never seen a man die before. She ought to be crying too, she thought, but the tears would not come. Perhaps she had used up all her tears for Lady and Bran. It would be different if it had been Jory or Ser Rodrik or Father, she told herself. The young knight in the blue cloak was nothing to her, some stranger from the Vale of Arryn whose name she had forgotten as soon as she heard it. And now the world would forget his name too, Sansa realized; there would be no songs sung for him. That was sad. After they carried off the body, a boy with a spade ran onto the field and shoveled dirt over the spot where he had fallen, to cover up the blood. Then the jousts resumed. Ser Balon Swann also fell to Gregor, and Lord Renly to the Hound. Renly was unhorsed so violently that he seemed to fly backward off his charger, legs in the air. His head hit the ground with an audible crack that made the crowd gasp, but it was just the golden antler on his helm. One of the tines had snapped off beneath him. When Lord Renly climbed to his feet, the commons cheered wildly, for King Robert's handsome young brother was a great favorite. He handed the broken tine to his conqueror with a gracious bow. The Hound snorted and tossed the broken antler into the crowd, where the commons began to punch and claw over the little bit of gold, until Lord Renly walked out among them and restored the peace. By then Septa Mordane had returned, alone. Jeyne had been feeling ill, she explained; she had helped her back to the castle. Sansa had almost forgotten about Jeyne. Later a hedge knight in a checkered cloak disgraced himself by killing Beric Dondarrion's horse, and was declared forfeit. Lord Beric shifted his saddle to a new mount, only to be knocked right off it by Thoros of Myr. Ser Aron Santagar and Lothor Brune tilted thrice without result; Ser Aron fell afterward to Lord Jason Mallister, and Brune to Yohn Royce's younger son, Robar. In the end it came down to four; the Hound and his monstrous brother Gregor, Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer, and Ser Loras Tyrell, the youth they called the Knight of Flowers. Ser Loras was the youngest son of Mace Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden and Warden of the South. At sixteen, he was the youngest rider on the field, yet he had unhorsed three knights of the Kingsguard that morning in his first three jousts. Sansa had never seen anyone so beautiful. His plate was intricately fashioned and enameled as a bouquet of a thousand different flowers, and his snow-white stallion was draped in a blanket of red and white roses. After each victory, Ser Loras would remove his helm and ride slowly round the fence, and finally pluck a single white rose from the blanket and toss it to some fair maiden in the crowd. His last match of the day was against the younger Royce. Ser Robar's ancestral runes proved small protection as Ser Loras split his shield and drove him from his saddle to crash with an awful clangor in the dirt. Robar lay moaning as the victor made his circuit of the field. Finally they called for a litter and carried him off to his tent, dazed and unmoving. Sansa never saw it. Her eyes were only for Ser Loras. When the white horse stopped in front of her, she thought her heart would burst. To the other maidens he had given white roses, but the one he plucked for her was red. â€Å"Sweet lady,†he said, â€Å"no victory is half so beautiful as you.†Sansa took the flower timidly, struck dumb by his gallantry. His hair was a mass of lazy brown curls, his eyes like liquid gold. She inhaled the sweet fragrance of the rose and sat clutching it long after Ser Loras had ridden off. When Sansa finally looked up, a man was standing over her, staring. He was short, with a pointed beard and a silver streak in his hair, almost as old as her father. â€Å"You must be one of her daughters,†he said to her. He had grey-green eyes that did not smile when his mouth did. â€Å"You have the Tully look.†â€Å"I'm Sansa Stark,†she said, ill at ease. The man wore a heavy cloak with a fur collar, fastened with a silver mockingbird, and he had the effortless manner of a high lord, but she did not know him. â€Å"I have not had the honor, my lord.†Septa Mordane quickly took a hand. â€Å"Sweet child, this is Lord Petyr Baelish, of the king's small council.†â€Å"Your mother was my queen of beauty once,†the man said quietly. His breath smelled of mint. â€Å"You have her hair.†His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked one auburn lock. Quite abruptly he turned and walked away. By then, the moon was well up and the crowd was tired, so the king decreed that the last three matches would be fought the next morning, before the melee. While the commons began their walk home, talking of the day's jousts and the matches to come on the morrow, the court moved to the riverside to begin the feast. Six monstrous huge aurochs had been roasting for hours, turning slowly on wooden spits while kitchen boys basted them with butter and herbs until the meat crackled and spit. Tables and benches had been raised outside the pavilions, piled high with sweetgrass and strawberries and fresh-baked bread. Sansa and Septa Mordane were given places of high honor, to the left of the raised dais where the king himself sat beside his queen. When Prince Joffrey seated himself to her right, she felt her throat tighten. He had not spoken a word to her since the awful thing had happened, and she had not dared to speak to him. At first she thought she hated him for what they'd done to Lady, but after Sansa had wept her eyes dry, she told herself that it had not been Joffrey's doing, not truly. The queen had done it; she was the one to hate, her and Arya. Nothing bad would have happened except for Arya. She could not hate Joffrey tonight. He was too beautiful to hate. He wore a deep blue doublet studded with a double row of golden lion's heads, and around his brow a slim coronet made of gold and sapphires. His hair was as bright as the metal. Sansa looked at him and trembled, afraid that he might ignore her or, worse, turn hateful again and send her weeping from the table. Instead Joffrey smiled and kissed her hand, handsome and gallant as any prince in the songs, and said, â€Å"Ser Loras has a keen eye for beauty, sweet lady.†â€Å"He was too kind,†she demurred, trying to remain modest and calm, though her heart was singing. â€Å"Ser Loras is a true knight. Do you think he will win tomorrow, my lord?†â€Å"No,†Joffrey said. â€Å"My dog will do for him, or perhaps my uncle Jaime. And in a few years, when I am old enough to enter the lists, I shall do for them all.†He raised his hand to summon a servant with a flagon of iced summerwine, and poured her a cup. She looked anxiously at Septa Mordane, until Joffrey leaned over and filled the septa's cup as well, so she nodded and thanked him graciously and said not another word. The servants kept the cups filled all night, yet afterward Sansa could not recall ever tasting the wine. She needed no wine. She was drunk on the magic of the night, giddy with glamour, swept away by beauties she had dreamt of all her life and never dared hope to know. Singers sat before the king's pavilion, filling the dusk with music. A juggler kept a cascade of burning clubs spinning through the air. The king's own fool, the pie-faced simpleton called Moon Boy, danced about on stilts, all in motley, making mock of everyone with such deft cruelty that Sansa wondered if he was simple after all. Even Septa Mordane was helpless before him; when he sang his little song about the High Septon, she laughed so hard she spilled wine on herself. And Joffrey was the soul of courtesy. He talked to Sansa all night, showering her with compliments, making her laugh, sharing little bits of court gossip, explaining Moon Boy's japes. Sansa was so captivated that she quite forgot all her courtesies and ignored Septa Mordane, seated to her left. All the while the courses came and went. A thick soup of barley and venison. Salads of sweetgrass and spinach and plums, sprinkled with crushed nuts. Snails in honey and garlic. Sansa had never eaten snails before; Joffrey showed her how to get the snail out of the shell, and fed her the first sweet morsel himself. Then came trout fresh from the river, baked in clay; her prince helped her crack open the hard casing to expose the flaky white flesh within. And when the meat course was brought out, he served her himself, slicing a queen's portion from the joint, smiling as he laid it on her plate. She could see from the way he moved that his right arm was still troubling him, yet he uttered not a word of complaint. Later came sweetbreads and pigeon pie and baked apples fragrant with cinnamon and lemon cakes frosted in sugar, but by then Sansa was so stuffed that she could not manage more than two little lemon cakes, as much as she loved them. She was wondering whether she might attempt a third when the king began to shout. King Robert had grown louder with each course. From time to time Sansa could hear him laughing or roaring a command over the music and the clangor of plates and cutlery, but they were too far away for her to make out his words. Now everybody heard him. â€Å"No,†he thundered in a voice that drowned out all other speech. Sansa was shocked to see the king on his feet, red of face, reeling. He had a goblet of wine in one hand, and he was drunk as a man could be. â€Å"You do not tell me what to do, woman,†he screamed at Queen Cersei. â€Å"I am king here, do you understand? I rule here, and if I say that I will fight tomorrow, I will fight!†Everyone was staring. Sansa saw Ser Barristan, and the king's brother Renly, and the short man who had talked to her so oddly and touched her hair, but no one made a move to interfere. The queen's face was a mask, so bloodless that it might have been sculpted from snow. She rose from the table, gathered her skirts around her, and stormed off in silence, servants trailing behind. Jaime Lannister put a hand on the king's shoulder, but the king shoved him away hard. Lannister stumbled and fell. The king guffawed. â€Å"The great knight. I can still knock you in the dirt. Remember that, Kingslayer.†He slapped his chest with the jeweled goblet, splashing wine all over his satin tunic. â€Å"Give me my hammer and not a man in the realm can stand before me!†Jaime Lannister rose and brushed himself off. â€Å"As you say, Your Grace.†His voice was stiff. Lord Renly came forward, smiling. â€Å"You've spilled your wine, Robert. Let me bring you a fresh goblet.†Sansa started as Joffrey laid his hand on her arm. â€Å"It grows late,†the prince said. He had a queer look on his face, as if he were not seeing her at all. â€Å"Do you need an escort back to the castle?†â€Å"No,†Sansa began. She looked for Septa Mordane, and was startled to find her with her head on the table, snoring soft and ladylike snores. â€Å"I mean to say . . . yes, thank you, that would be most kind. I am tired, and the way is so dark. I should be glad for some protection.†Joffrey called out, â€Å"Dog!†Sandor Clegane seemed to take form out of the night, so quickly did he appear. He had exchanged his armor for a red woolen tunic with a leather dog's head sewn on the front. The light of the torches made his burned face shine a dull red. â€Å"Yes, Your Grace?†he said. â€Å"Take my betrothed back to the castle, and see that no harm befalls her,†the prince told him brusquely. And without even a word of farewell, Joffrey strode off, leaving her there. Sansa could feel the Hound watching her. â€Å"Did you think Joff was going to take you himself?†He laughed. He had a laugh like the snarling of dogs in a pit. â€Å"Small chance of that.†He pulled her unresisting to her feet. â€Å"Come, you're not the only one needs sleep. I've drunk too much, and I may need to kill my brother tomorrow.†He laughed again. Suddenly terrified, Sansa pushed at Septa Mordane's shoulder, hoping to wake her, but she only snored the louder. King Robert had stumbled off and half the benches were suddenly empty. The feast was over, and the beautiful dream had ended with it. The Hound snatched up a torch to light their way. Sansa followed close beside him. The ground was rocky and uneven; the flickering light made it seem to shift and move beneath her. She kept her eyes lowered, watching where she placed her feet. They walked among the pavilions, each with its banner and its armor hung outside, the silence weighing heavier with every step. Sansa could not bear the sight of him, he frightened her so, yet she had been raised in all the ways of courtesy. A true lady would not notice his face, she told herself. â€Å"You rode gallantly today, Ser Sandor,†she made herself say. Sandor Clegane snarled at her. â€Å"Spare me your empty little compliments, girl . . . and your ser's. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight. Did you see him ride today?†â€Å"Yes,†Sansa whispered, trembling. â€Å"He was . . . â€Å"Gallant?†the Hound finished. He was mocking her, she realized. â€Å"No one could withstand him,†she managed at last, proud of herself. It was no lie. Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him. â€Å"Some septa trained you well. You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite.†â€Å"That's unkind.†Sansa could feel her heart fluttering in her chest. â€Å"You're frightening me. I want to go now.†â€Å"No one could withstand him,†the Hound rasped. â€Å"That's truth enough. No one could ever withstand Gregor. That boy today, his second joust, oh, that was a pretty bit of business. You saw that, did you? Fool boy, he had no business riding in this company. No money, no squire, no one to help him with that armor. That gorget wasn't fastened proper. You think Gregor didn't notice that? You think Ser Gregor's lance rode up by chance, do you? Pretty little talking girl, you believe that, you're empty-headed as a bird for true. Gregor's lance goes where Gregor wants it to go. Look at me. Look at me!†Sandor Clegane put a huge hand under her chin and forced her face up. He squatted in front of her, and moved the torch close. â€Å"There's a pretty for you. Take a good long stare. You know you want to. I've watched you turning away all the way down the kingsroad. Piss on that. Take your look.†His fingers held her jaw as hard as an iron trap. His eyes watched hers. Drunken eyes, sullen with anger. She had to look. The right side of his face was gaunt, with sharp cheekbones and a grey eye beneath a heavy brow. His nose was large and hooked, his hair thin, dark. He wore it long and brushed it sideways, because no hair grew on the other side of that face. The left side of his face was a ruin. His ear had been burned away; there was nothing left but a hole. His eye was still good, but all around it was a twisted mass of scar, slick black flesh hard as leather, pocked with craters and fissured by deep cracks that gleamed red and wet when he moved. Down by his jaw, you could see a hint of bone where the flesh had been seared away. Sansa began to cry. He let go of her then, and snuffed out the torch in the dirt. â€Å"No pretty words for that, girl? No little compliment the septa taught you?†When there was no answer, he continued. â€Å"Most of them, they think it was some battle. A siege, a burning tower, an enemy with a torch. One fool asked if it was dragonsbreath.†His laugh was softer this time, but just as bitter. â€Å"I'll tell you what it was, girl,†he said, a voice from the night, a shadow leaning so close now that she could smell the sour stench of wine on his breath. â€Å"I was younger than you, six, maybe seven. A woodcarver set up shop in the village under my father's keep, and to buy favor he sent us gifts. The old man made marvelous toys. I don't remember what I got, but it was Gregor's gift I wanted. A wooden knight, all painted up, every joint pegged separate and fixed with strings, so you could make him fight. Gregor is five years older than me, the toy was nothing to him, he was already a squire, near six foot tall and muscled like an ox. So I took his knight, but there was no joy to it, I tell you. I was scared all the while, and true enough, he found me. There was a brazier in the room. Gregor never said a word, just picked me up under his arm and shoved the side of my face down in the burning coals and held me there while I screamed and screamed. You saw how strong he is. Even then, it took three grown men to drag him off me. The septons preach about the seven hells. What do they know? Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like. â€Å"My father told everyone my bedding had caught fire, and our maester gave me ointments. Ointments! Gregor got his ointments too. Four years later, they anointed him with the seven oils and he recited his knightly vows and Rhaegar Targaryen tapped him on the shoulder and said, ‘Arise, Ser Gregor.' â€Å" The rasping voice trailed off. He squatted silently before her, a hulking black shape shrouded in the night, hidden from her eyes. Sansa could hear his ragged breathing. She was sad for him, she realized. Somehow, the fear had gone away. The silence went on and on, so long that she began to grow afraid once more, but she was afraid for him now, not for herself. She found his massive shoulder with her hand. â€Å"He was no true knight,†she whispered to him. The Hound threw back his head and roared. Sansa stumbled back, away from him, but he caught her arm. â€Å"No,†he growled at her, â€Å"no, little bird, he was no true knight.†The rest of the way into the city, Sandor Clegane said not a word. He led her to where the carts were waiting, told a driver to take them back to the Red Keep, and climbed in after her. They rode in silence through the King's Gate and up torchlit city streets. He opened the postern door and led her into the castle, his burned face twitching and his eyes brooding, and he was one step behind her as they climbed the tower stairs. He took her safe all the way to the corridor outside her bedchamber. â€Å"Thank you, my lord,†Sansa said meekly. The Hound caught her by the arm and leaned close. â€Å"The things I told you tonight,†he said, his voice sounding even rougher than usual. â€Å"If you ever tell Joffrey . . . your sister, your father . . . any of them . . . â€Å" â€Å"I won't,†Sansa whispered. â€Å"I promise.†It was not enough. â€Å"If you ever tell anyone,†he finished, â€Å"I'll kill you.â€
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Human Nature in The Great Gatsby Essay
Human nature refers to the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans. F. Scott Fitzgerald with the use of selection of detail, selective diction, and imagery, portrays both condescending and bona fide aspects of human nature. Death brings denial, memories, remorse, and perspective. To Nick Carraway, who is utterly incredulous and lachrymose over Gatsby’s death, the passing-away of a dear friend is a period of reflection. Denial is the most prominent psychological aspect following one’s death. â€Å"Gatsby’s house was still empty when I left. Fitzgerald implies that Nick is waiting upon Gatsby’s return  the return to normalcy. But the period of stagnation lingers and Nick continues to reminisce on the past. Fitzgerald invokes imagery by appealing to the five senses. Nick is trying to relive the condition of Gatsby’s infamous house parties by spending his Saturday nights in New York. The â€Å"gleaming, dazzling parties†draw out the visuals of a celebratory scene. The â€Å"music and the laughter, faint and incessant†excites the aural senses and characterizes the mood of the party. Nick begins to notice the most dismissive and discreet details. He acknowledges the length of the Gatsby’s unmanaged lawn as compared to his, in which he posed little to no interest prior to the death. Juxtaposing his brief observation is one far more conspicuous. â€Å" One of the taxi drivers in the village never took a fare fast the entrance gate without stopping for a minute and pointing inside†¦perhaps he had made a story about it all his own. †Nick takes to mind the change in attitude and persona of those who were acquaintances of Gatsby. His death brings a cessation to lively parties and expansive gifts. Therefore, they who once lauded and idolized Gatsby, act as if one has never heard of him. The cruel and selfish face of human nature proves to be nothing less than pathetic. Nick concludes Gatsby’s story by paying attention to the green light and reminiscing Gatsby’s extraordinary spirit and pursuit to come as far as he did. â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter –– to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther†¦so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. †Gatsby’s spirit and passion will continue on in those who remember him most.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Transferable Personal Skill Development Education Essay
Introduction:A better definition of movable accomplishments would include a broad scope of different accomplishments that are non merely utile for a broad scope of occupations, but will besides fit pupils for a productive calling as a research scientist. Critically measuring informations ; being able to compose clearly and efficaciously in a scope of manners ; pass oning via formal presentations or the media ; networking and pull offing your clip efficaciously are accomplishments that are utile in many different occupations. Constructing a nucleus competence in these countries will besides surely make you a better scientist. It is besides of import to recognize that your function as a research worker will alter dramatically as you progress from pupil, to research helper and beyond. In this regard larning about the procedure of acquiring published ; how to compose grants that will acquire funded and how to pull off fundss and lead squads of scientist are all indispensable in smoothing the passage to go a Principal Investigator or PI. Although these might non look to be the most ‘transferable ‘ of accomplishments, the mundane activities of a PI are so radically different from a pupil who works at the lab bench that it is efficaciously a wholly different occupation. Communication Application of Number Information Technology Working with Others Bettering Own Learning and Performance Problem Solving Time-management Research Public speech productionLiterature position:‘The Government is content for the Authority to mount a little graduated table pilot of different agencies of independently measuring these Key Skills. However, I remain doubting about the feasibleness of such independent appraisal, and would see such work as holding a lower order of precedence than either the work on the first three Key Skills or on developing the wider Skills through Progress File. ‘ ‘The movable accomplishments that employers identify be given to be those that support organizational public presentation. They may be identified as follows: Interpersonal accomplishments Communication accomplishments Self-management accomplishments Intellectual accomplishments It is easy to place occupationally relevant accomplishments acquired through preparation and instruction but much more hard to nail movable accomplishments. ‘ ‘We are societal animate beings and need the input from and interaction with others to work efficaciously as persons. ‘ ‘One of the most important ways in which communicating can act upon single behavior is through its ability to alter single perceptual experiences and perceptual prejudice. ‘ Movable accomplishments are of import accomplishments which persons should possess, non merely for the intent of academic programmes of survey, but besides for that of operating efficaciously within one ‘s occupation function in the workplace. Movable accomplishments can be seen to be that which are slightly cardinal accomplishments which benefit persons with the undertaking at manus. A good illustration of this is the ability to work good in a team- this is something which is of import both when perusal and holding a occupation.Case survey:PDP is a procedure of reflecting and entering my experiences to assist me to do the most of my clip at Guildhall. It provides a scope of specific, targeted techniques that I can utilize to: derive new positions on my surveies, calling and life in general proctor and record my endowments and accomplishments identify ends and be after my term-time survey work load and/or my hereafter calling assist me present my accomplishments and achievements to prospective employers. The results of PDP should be: greater apprehension of how much advancement I ‘ve made in all countries of my class better apprehension of my strengths and failings by both me and my Coach clearer apprehension of what I need to make following understanding on puting ends and marks an action program that summarizes all this. My academic surveies, whilst being the primary portion of my experience at Guildhall, are non the ‘whole bundle ‘ . Some of the most important alterations I ‘ll meet will be in the country of personal development. My skylines – geographical, cultural and rational – will be broadened by the experience of analyzing in Guildhall ‘s international environment, and by the extra-curricular activities and chances you choose to prosecute. If this is my first clip off from place, life and analyzing in Guildhall will promote me to be more independent, self-assured, and resourceful, better at pull offing my clip and your money, and better at working with others. In a word, more mature. If I are a mature pupil, I am already likely to hold some experience of accomplishments mapping, brooding pattern, larning manners, calling planning, CV and interview technique. The determination to return to instruction may hold been step one of my calling program. It is still of benefit to reevaluate your ends from clip to clip. Very merely, geting basic competence across a scope of movable accomplishments will do me better equipped for any calling you chose to follow. Unless you are of course gifted at everything you do, everyone can profit from some good structured and focussed preparation classs. It ‘s besides clear that deriving a scope of movable accomplishments is of import in happening your following occupation. Several studies of employers have found that although PhD alumnuss were technically adept, extremely motivated, and resourceful, they needed extra preparation on â€Å" soft accomplishments †such as working in a squad, communicating, and calling planning.Learning Result:If I say something about myself two old ages before I have come to London for analyzing with the different people in a different environment. At the beggary clip I had less able to pass on with the other states people and another thing is that instruction system is different. Day by twenty-four hours I am seeking to develop my communicating accomplishment. Besides, I am working a portion clip occupation in the Burger male monarch which is most popular fast nutrient store in the Europe. I started at that place as a gross revenues helper. I have to pass on with the assorted sorts of clients. I have to pull off so many state of affairss. After few months subsequently I become a Supervisor. I have to pull off all my staff, telling the bringing, having the bringing, pull offing the worst state of affairs. So I can state communicating accomplishment and clip pull offing those are the two most affect full transferable accomplishment I have achieved to acquire the success. Always I try to go to in my category in clip and my work topographic point. That is why I can acquire the full lesson in the category and I got the repute in my work topographic point because of clip keeping. I ne'er be defocus depending on clip direction. Another thing is that for my well communicating accomplishment I can discourse about my survey with instructors and my category mates every bit good as I can pull off my all the staffs and the clients in the store.Decision:In add-on to these good grounds for passing some clip geting movable accomplishments, I will besides happen that they are an of import subject at the Institute. Indeed, I will hear your supervisor and the Education Support squad reference movable accomplishments on a regular basis. This is because there is now a demand for pupils to pass 10 yearss per twelvemonth on movable accomplishments preparation and without making this we ca n't finish our PhD.
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